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Ronald Philipsen edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 1 revision

2. Filterbank Tutorial

2.1 Create a filterbank object

filterbank = Filterbank(<PATH TO FILTERBANK FILE>)

This is an example without parameters, see 2.3 for an example with the parameters.

2.2 Read the header from filterbank data


Header data contains the following:

Variable Description
source_name name of filterbank file
P period of pulsar in ms
DM dispersion measure of pulsar
machine_id id of machine used to receive signal data
telescope_id id of telescope used to receive signal data
data_type type of file filterbank, time series
fch1 center frequency of first filterbank channel (MHz)
foff filterbank channel bandwidth (MHz)
nchans number of filterbank channels
nbits number of bits per time sample 8, 16 or 32
tstart timestamp of first sample (MJD)
nifs number of seperate intermediate-frequency channels

freq_range = fch1 + (foff * nchans + fch1)
time_range = tstart + (tsamp/24/60/60)

freq_range is a tuple with a frequency start and a frequency stop
The same applies to time_range

The header data, including the center frequency, can be retrieved by calling the header attribute from the Filterbank object.

2.3 Read filterbank file

The attributes time_range and freq_range can be passed as parameters to select a specific portion of the filterbank file. To make the Filterbank object read the filterbank file at once, set the read_all parameter to True.

filterbank = Filterbank(<PATH TO FILTERBANK FILE>, freq_range, time_range, read_all)

2.4 Select a range of data from the filterbank file

The select_data method can be used to retrieve data from the Filterbank object. The user has the option to give a time and/or frequency range to select a subset from the entire dataset. The time-range can either be an index of a sample or a float that is represents a moment in time (in seconds).

filterbank.select_data(freq_range, time_range)

The select_data method returns an array of all different channels/frequencies and a large matrix with all the received radio signals.

The matrix contains for each time sample an array which has the intensity per channel/frequency.

2.5 Read filterbank as stream

When reading the filterbank file as a stream, the user should let the read_all-parameter stay False when initializing the filterbank object.

Each time the user calls the next_row method, it will retrieve an array with intensitiy per frequency for a new time sample from the filterbank file. When the last iteration of the filterbank is reached, the new_row method will return False.
The same goes for the next_n_rows method, where the user is able to define the amount of rows that should be returned.



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