The stackoverflow task is basic implementation of Stackoverflow
- Node JS
- Express
- Jest
- Postgres (Sequelize ORM)
To Install NodeJS, kindly go to Nodejs and follow the necessary instructions required depending on your PC Operating System
using a package simply download the installer
using homebrew
brew install node
using a package simply download the installer
using chocolatey to install Node
cinst nodejs
For Windows users, you can kindly follow this tutorials here to install Postgres on your local PC which explains how to create a database
For Mac users, you can kindly follow this tutorials here to install Postgres on your local PC which explains how to create a database
To setup your database for the project, after creation kindly open the sequelize.ts file in the src folder of the project and replace with your credentials
database: 'your database name',
port: 5432,
host: 'your host, localhost or host address',
username: 'your username',
password: 'your password'
Create a .env file in the root directory and add your databae details. It should have the following properties
Kindly clone the repo
To install the necessary packages, in your folder directory kindly run
npm i
# or
yarn add
To continuously watch for changes
npm run dev
To build your app for production
npm run build
To run your app server for production
npm run start
To run test cases
npm run test
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How to gain reputation ?
The primary way to gain reputation is by posting good questions and useful answers. Votes on these posts cause you to gain (or sometimes lose) reputation.
A user reputation can't go less than 1NOTE:
A user can't have more than 40 voting activities per day -
You gain reputation when :
- question is voted up: +10
- answer is voted up: +10
- when your answer is accepted: +15
You lose reputation when :
- your question is voted down: −2
- your answer is voted down: −2
- you vote down an answer: −1
when making request to protected routes , addBearer
to the prefix of the token. eg 'Bearer JWT TOKEN'.
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Rate Limiter for the vote limit per day
All rules of stackoverflow were followed regarding reputation, upvote and downvote for questions and answers
Understanding the task was a vital part of the process for me. I spent time studying Stackoverflow Network on my browser, making sure I understand how things are handled and structured.
I went through their rules and regulations to give me a better understanding of every single activity carried out to aid a detailed implementation of the required task.