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Lucas edited this page Apr 15, 2024 · 1 revision

Default EliteAPI.ini configuration

# This file is used to configure the EliteAPI. Changes will take effect after restarting VoiceAttack.
# Remove the semicolon to change a setting

# Whether or not to automatically update the plugin when a new version is available.
#  true (default) will automatically update the plugin
#  false will disable automatic updates
AutoUpdate = true

# Whether or not to enable the Elite Dangerous Data Network (EDDN) bridge. This is used to send event data to EDDN.
#  true (default) will enable the EDDN bridge
#  false will disable the EDDN bridge
Eddn = true

# Whether or not to enable Discord Rich Presence. This is used to show your current in-game status on Discord.
#  true (default) will enable Discord Rich Presence
#  false will disable Discord Rich Presence
DiscordRichPresence = true

# The amount of time in milliseconds to wait between each checking for new event data.
#  500 (default) is the recommended value.
#  Setting this to an arbitrarily low value may cause increased CPU usage, while setting it to a high value may cause delays in events.
UpdateDelay = 500

# Path to the Elite Dangerous journals folder. This is used to get event data.
#  Leave this blank to use the default path.
; JournalsPath = "C:\Users\Commander\Saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous"

# Path to the Elite Dangerous options folder. This is used to get keybindings and other settings.
#  Leave this blank to use the default path.
; OptionsPath = "C:\Users\Commander\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options"

# Amount of Journals to scrape for record generation.
#  1 (default) will only scrape the latest journal
; AmountJournalsToScrape = 1

# Whether or not to log events to a file. This is useful for debugging and reporting issues with the plugin.
#  true (default) will log to file
#  false will disable logging
FileLogging = true
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