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LDAP-49 : Fix for Com4jException thrown by external users provider
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1. AdConnectionHelper now connects to domain LDAP servers instead of
   forest GC ( Global Catalog) servers to get the users details.
2. More logging is added in AdConnectionHelper and
3. More exception handling is added in AdConnectionHelper to
   catch exceptions thrown by Com4j.
4. Unit tests are also updated.

Manual Testing of scenarios ( Compat mode and and non-compat mode
windows authentication )
1. Test on corpnet in which GC servers are available.
2. Testing on private active directory setup in which
a. Two domains in same forest and AD global catalog is not present
  in both the domains. Windows auth for users from both domain to
  SonarQube server in one of the domain.
b. Two domains in the same forest and AD global catalog is present
   for one of the domains. Windows auth for users from both domain to
   SonarQube server in one of the domain.
c. Two domains ( sub-tree of third domain). Windows auth for users from
   both domain to SonarQube server in one of the domain.
  • Loading branch information
sulabh-msft committed Nov 24, 2015
1 parent 265d31c commit d8d6e3e
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Showing 4 changed files with 170 additions and 76 deletions.
150 changes: 102 additions & 48 deletions src/main/java/org/sonar/plugins/ldap/windows/
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,9 @@

import com4j.ComException;
import com4j.ExecutionException;
import com4j.typelibs.activeDirectory.IADs;
import com4j.typelibs.ado20.Field;
import com4j.typelibs.ado20.Fields;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ public class AdConnectionHelper {
public static final String ADS_OBJECT_PROVIDER_STR = "ADsDSOObject";

* Root of the directory data tree on a diretory server
* Root of the directory data tree on a directory server
public static final String ROOT_DSE = "RootDSE";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,8 +113,8 @@ public Map<String, String> getUserDetails(final String domainName, final String
Map<String, String> userDetails = new HashMap<>();
_Connection connection = null;
try {
String defaultNamingContext = getDefaultNamingContext(domainName);
if (defaultNamingContext == null) {
String activeDirectoryBindString = getActiveDirectoryBindString(domainName);
if (activeDirectoryBindString == null) {
return userDetails;

Expand All @@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ public Map<String, String> getUserDetails(final String domainName, final String
return userDetails;

userDetails = getUserDetailsFromAd(connection, defaultNamingContext, domainName, userName, requestedDetails);
userDetails = getUserDetailsFromAd(connection, activeDirectoryBindString, domainName, userName, requestedDetails);
} finally {
if (connection != null) {
Expand All @@ -143,8 +145,8 @@ public Collection<String> getUserGroupsInDomain(final String domainName, final S

_Connection connection = null;
try {
String defaultNamingContext = getDefaultNamingContext(domainName);
if (defaultNamingContext == null) {
String activeDirectoryBindString = getActiveDirectoryBindString(domainName);
if (activeDirectoryBindString == null) {
return userGroups;

Expand All @@ -153,12 +155,12 @@ public Collection<String> getUserGroupsInDomain(final String domainName, final S
return userGroups;

String userNameDn = getUserDistinguishedName(connection, defaultNamingContext, domainName, userName);
String userNameDn = getUserDistinguishedName(connection, activeDirectoryBindString, domainName, userName);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(userNameDn)) {
return userGroups;

Collection<String> adUserGroups = getUserGroupsFromAd(connection, defaultNamingContext, domainName, userNameDn,
Collection<String> adUserGroups = getUserGroupsFromAd(connection, activeDirectoryBindString, domainName, userNameDn,

Expand All @@ -174,40 +176,55 @@ public Collection<String> getUserGroupsInDomain(final String domainName, final S

* Returns the default naming context of the active directory for given domain
* @return {@link String} Default naming context.
* Returns the bind string of one of the available active directory controllers in the given domain.
String getDefaultNamingContext(String domainName) {
String defaultNamingContext = null;
IADs rootDse;
String getActiveDirectoryBindString(String domainName) {
String connectionUrl = null;

LOG.debug("Getting active directory bind string for domain: {}", domainName);
IADs rootDse = null;
try {
rootDse = com4jWrapper.getObject(IADs.class, String.format("GC://%s/%s", domainName, ROOT_DSE), null);
defaultNamingContext = (String) rootDse.get(DEFAULT_NAMING_CONTEXT_STR);
} catch (ComException comException) {
LOG.debug("Unable to get {} for domain: {}: {}", DEFAULT_NAMING_CONTEXT_STR, domainName, comException.getMessage());
rootDse = getRootDse(domainName);
if (rootDse != null) {
String defaultNamingContext = (String) getRootDseAttribute(rootDse, DEFAULT_NAMING_CONTEXT_STR);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(defaultNamingContext)) {
connectionUrl = String.format("LDAP://%s/%s", domainName, defaultNamingContext);
} finally {
if (rootDse != null) {

return defaultNamingContext;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(connectionUrl)) {
LOG.debug("Active directory bind string for the domain {}: {}", domainName, connectionUrl);
} else {
LOG.debug("Unable to get the active directory bind string for the domain {}", domainName);

return connectionUrl;

* Returns the active directory _Connection object
* @return {@link _Connection}
_Connection getActiveDirectoryConnection() {
_Connection connection = com4jWrapper.createConnection();
if (connection != null) {
try {, "", "", -1);
} catch (ComException comException) {
LOG.error("Unable to get connection to active directory. {}", comException.getMessage());
} catch (ComException | ExecutionException ex) {
LOG.error("Unable to get connection to the active directory. {}", ex.getMessage());
connection = null;
} else {
LOG.error("Unable to create connection to active directory.");
LOG.error("Unable to create connection to the active directory.");

return connection;
Expand All @@ -218,6 +235,7 @@ _Connection getActiveDirectoryConnection() {
* @return {@link String} attributes value or null if the attribute is not found
String getUserAttributeValue(final Fields userData, final String attributeName) {
String attributeValue = null;
try {
Expand All @@ -226,7 +244,10 @@ String getUserAttributeValue(final Fields userData, final String attributeName)
Object obj = field.value();
if (obj != null) {
attributeValue = obj.toString();
LOG.trace("Value of user attribute {}: {}", attributeName, attributeValue);
} else {
LOG.debug("User attribute {} doesn't exist.", attributeName);
} catch (ComException comException) {
LOG.debug("Unable to get {}. {}", attributeName, comException.getMessage());
Expand All @@ -235,39 +256,65 @@ String getUserAttributeValue(final Fields userData, final String attributeName)
return attributeValue;

private Map<String, String> getUserDetailsFromAd(final _Connection connection, final String namingContext, String domainName,
private Object getRootDseAttribute(IADs rootDse, String attributeName) {
Object attributeValue = null;
try {
LOG.trace("Getting value of {} from {}", attributeName, ROOT_DSE);
attributeValue = rootDse.get(attributeName);
LOG.trace("Value of {} from {} : {}", attributeName, ROOT_DSE, attributeValue);
} catch (ComException comException) {
LOG.debug("Unable to get value of attribute {} from {}: {}", attributeName, ROOT_DSE, comException.getMessage());

return attributeValue;

private IADs getRootDse(String domainName) {
IADs rootDse = null;

String adBindString = String.format("LDAP://%s/%s", domainName, ROOT_DSE);
try {
rootDse = com4jWrapper.getObject(IADs.class, adBindString, null);
} catch (ComException | ExecutionException ex) {
// ExecutionException will be thrown if the server is unavailable
LOG.debug("Unable to get {} for the active directory bind string {}: {}", ROOT_DSE, adBindString, ex.getMessage());

return rootDse;

private Map<String, String> getUserDetailsFromAd(final _Connection connection, final String connectionUrl, String domainName,
String userName, final Collection<String> requestedDetails) {
Map<String, String> userDetails = new HashMap<>();

String commandText = getUserDetailsCommandText(namingContext, userName, requestedDetails);
String commandText = getUserDetailsCommandText(connectionUrl, userName, requestedDetails);

Collection<Map<String, String>> userDetailsRecords = executeQuery(connection, commandText, requestedDetails);

if (userDetailsRecords.size() == 1) {
userDetails = userDetailsRecords.iterator().next();
} else {
LOG.debug("No details record for the user found: " + domainName + "\\" + userName);

return userDetails;

private String getUserDistinguishedName(final _Connection connection, final String namingContext, final String domainName,
private String getUserDistinguishedName(final _Connection connection, final String connectionUrl, final String domainName,
final String userName) {
Collection<String> requestedUserAttributes = new ArrayList<>();

Map<String, String> userAttributes = getUserDetailsFromAd(connection, namingContext, domainName, userName, requestedUserAttributes);
Map<String, String> userAttributes = getUserDetailsFromAd(connection, connectionUrl, domainName, userName, requestedUserAttributes);

return userAttributes.get(DISTINGUISHED_NAME_STR);

private Collection<String> getUserGroupsFromAd(final _Connection connection, final String namingContext, String domainName,
private Collection<String> getUserGroupsFromAd(final _Connection connection, final String connectionUrl, String domainName,
final String userNameDn, final String requestedGroupIdAttribute) {
Collection<String> adUserGroups = new ArrayList<>();

String commandText = getUserGroupsCommandText(namingContext, userNameDn, requestedGroupIdAttribute);

String commandText = getUserGroupsCommandText(connectionUrl, userNameDn, requestedGroupIdAttribute);
Collection<String> requestedAttributes = new ArrayList<>();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,17 +351,21 @@ private Collection<Map<String, String>> executeQuery(final _Connection connectio
private Collection<Map<String, String>> getDataFromRecordSet(final _Recordset recordSet, final Collection<String> requestedDetails) {
Collection<Map<String, String>> records = new ArrayList<>();

while (!recordSet.eof()) {
Fields userData = recordSet.fields();
if (userData != null) {
Map<String, String> requestedDetailsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String requestedDetail : requestedDetails) {
String userAttributeValue = getUserAttributeValue(userData, requestedDetail);
requestedDetailsMap.put(requestedDetail, userAttributeValue);
try {
while (!recordSet.eof()) {
Fields userData = recordSet.fields();
if (userData != null) {
Map<String, String> requestedDetailsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String requestedDetail : requestedDetails) {
String userAttributeValue = getUserAttributeValue(userData, requestedDetail);
requestedDetailsMap.put(requestedDetail, userAttributeValue);
} catch (ComException comException) {
LOG.debug("Exception while getting data from the record-set : {} ", comException.getMessage());

return records;
Expand All @@ -326,10 +377,13 @@ private _Recordset executeCommand(final _Connection connection, final String com
try {
command = com4jWrapper.createCommand(connection, commandText);
if (command != null) {
LOG.trace("Executing command: {}", commandText);
recordSet = command.execute(null, com4jWrapper.getMissing(), -1);
} else {
LOG.error("Unable to create the active directory command");
LOG.error("Unable to create the active directory command {}", commandText);
} catch (ComException comException) {
LOG.debug("Exception while executing the command : {} ", comException.getMessage());
} finally {
if (command != null) {
Expand All @@ -340,27 +394,27 @@ private _Recordset executeCommand(final _Connection connection, final String com

* User Details Command Text format <GC://root>;(filter);requestedAttributes;scope
* e.g.<GC://DC=domain, dc=com>;(sAMAccountName=userName);cn,mail;SubTree
* User Details Command Text format <LDAP://domain/root>;(filter);requestedAttributes;scope
* e.g.<LDAP://domain/DC=domain, dc=com>;(sAMAccountName=userName);cn,mail;SubTree
private static String getUserDetailsCommandText(final String namingContext, final String userName,
private String getUserDetailsCommandText(final String bindString, final String userName,
final Collection<String> requestedDetails) {
/* Filter on sAMAccountName attribute */
String filter = String.format("(%s=%s)", SAMACCOUNTNAME_STR, userName);
/* Requested user attributes */
String requestedAttributes = StringUtils.join(requestedDetails, ",");

return String.format("<GC://%s>;%s;%s;SubTree", namingContext, filter, requestedAttributes);
return String.format("<%s>;%s;%s;SubTree", bindString, filter, requestedAttributes);

* User Groups Command Text format <GC://root>;(filter);requestedAttributes;scope
* User Groups Command Text format <LDAP://domain/root>;(filter);requestedAttributes;scope
private static String getUserGroupsCommandText(final String namingContext, final String userDn,
private String getUserGroupsCommandText(final String bindString, final String userDn,
final String requestedDetail) {
/* Filter on user dn attribute */
String filter = String.format("(&(objectClass=group)(member=%s))", userDn);

return String.format("<GC://%s>;%s;%s;SubTree", namingContext, filter, requestedDetail);
return String.format("<%s>;%s;%s;SubTree", bindString, filter, requestedDetail);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,8 +181,21 @@ public UserDetails getSsoUserDetails(HttpServletRequest request) {
public UserDetails getUserDetails(String userName) {
checkArgument(isNotEmpty(userName), "userName is null or empty.");

LOG.debug("Getting details for user: {}", userName);
UserDetails userDetails = null;
IWindowsAccount windowsAccount = getWindowsAccount(userName);
return windowsAccount != null ? getSsoUserDetails(windowsAccount) : null;
if (windowsAccount != null) {
userDetails = getUserDetails(windowsAccount);

if (userDetails == null) {
LOG.debug("Unable to get details for user {}", userName);
} else {
LOG.debug("Details for user {}: {}", userName, userDetails);

return userDetails;

Expand All @@ -208,10 +221,12 @@ public Collection<String> getUserGroups(WindowsPrincipal windowsPrincipal) {

LOG.debug("Groups for the user {} : {}", windowsPrincipal.getName(), groups);

return groups;

UserDetails getSsoUserDetails(IWindowsAccount windowsAccount) {
UserDetails getUserDetails(IWindowsAccount windowsAccount) {
UserDetails userDetails = new UserDetails();

String windowsAccountName = getWindowsAccountName(new WindowsAccount(windowsAccount),
Expand Down

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