v1.3.0 – "Harmonia" update
Changed name and icon of the application (to WebCord).
Made application ready for the repo name change.
Added "Inspect", "Copy link" and "Copy link text" options in the right-click context menu.
Implemented multiple switches to customize the behaviour of the CSP.
Included hCaptcha websites to the Content Security Policy (#39 ).
Implemented "Developer mode" switch.
Made some menu bar improvements.
Updated "electron-json-config" dependency to latest "beta" release.
Splitted config to multiple files (this should make it less likely to broke itself).
Added support for the source maps (for better debbuging with Typescript).
Enabled strict syntax check at building with TSC.
Updated Electron to the newer patch version (12.0.2).
Updated Typescript to the newer patch version (4.2.3).
Updated Eslint to the newer minior version (7.23.0).
Improved userAgent.ts for the MacOS and Windows.
Done some other minior code improvements.
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