Releases: Staketab/sui-go-tools
Releases · Staketab/sui-go-tools
Release of suid SUI tool v1.1.0
Release of suid SUI tool v1.0.3
Added a handler when successful withdraw all sui::SuiStaked objects.
Release of suid SUI tool v1.0.2
Fix read config file when Merging all sui::SUI objects to Primary coin.
Release of suid SUI tool v1.0.1
Fix read config file whet Withdrawing all sui::SuiStaked objects.
Release of suid SUI tool v1.0.0
Easy Merge sui::SUI objects to Primary coin passing one or an array of objects as a flag, Merging all sui::SUI objects to Primary coin automatically and Withdrawing all sui::SuiStaked objects automatically