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Starkrimson committed Nov 2, 2022
1 parent 9043710 commit 6b588e3
Showing 1 changed file with 58 additions and 49 deletions.
107 changes: 58 additions & 49 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# WeatherApp

> [《SwiftUI 与 Combine 编程》(喵神)]( 读后实践
> [《SwiftUI 与 Combine 编程》]( + [TCA - SwiftUI 的救星?]( (喵神) 读后实践
一个天气 App,可搜索、关注城市,查看城市详细天气预报。

由 SwiftUI 驱动的跨平台 app,包括 UI 布局、状态管理、网络数据获取和本地数据存储等等。

编译环境:macOS 12.4, Xcode 14.0 beta, iOS 16.0 beta
编译环境:macOS 13.0, Xcode 14.0.1, iOS 16.0

Expand All @@ -18,62 +18,76 @@
* State:即状态,是一个用于描述某个功能的执行逻辑,和渲染界面所需的数据的类。

struct SearchState: Equatable {
@BindableState var searchQuery = ""
var list: [Find.City] = []
struct SearchReducer: ReducerProtocol {
struct State: Equatable {
@BindableState var searchQuery = ""
var list: [Find.City] = []

* Action:一个代表在功能中所有可能的动作的类,如用户的行为、提醒,和事件源等。

enum SearchAction: Equatable, BindableAction {
case binding(BindingAction<SearchState>)
case search(query: String)
case citiesResponse(Result<[Find.City], AppError>)
struct SearchReducer: ReducerProtocol {
enum Action: Equatable, BindableAction {
case binding(BindingAction<SearchState>)
case search(query: String)
case citiesResponse(Result<[Find.City], AppError>)

* Environment:一个包含功能的依赖的类,如API客户端,分析客户端等。

struct SearchEnvironment {
var mainQueue: AnySchedulerOf<DispatchQueue>
var weatherClient: WeatherClient
// SearchReducer ...

@Dependency(\.weatherClient) var weatherClient

// ...

* Reducer:一个用于描述触发「Action」时,如何从当前状态(state)变化到下一个状态的函数,它同时负责返回任何需要被执行的「Effect」,如API请求(通过返回一个「Effect」实例来完成)。


let searchReducer = Reducer<SearchState, SearchAction, SearchEnvironment> {
state, action, environment in

switch action {
case .binding:
return .none
case .search(let query):
struct SearchCityId: Hashable { }

return environment.weatherClient
.receive(on: environment.mainQueue)
.cancellable(id: SearchCityId(), cancelInFlight: true)

case .citiesResponse(let result):
switch result {
case .success(let list):
state.list = list
case .failure(let error):
state.list = []
struct SearchReducer: ReducerProtocol {
var body: some ReducerProtocol<State, Action> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .binding(let action):
if action.keyPath == \.$searchQuery, state.searchQuery.count == 0 {
state.status = .normal
state.list = []
return .none

case .search(let query):
struct SearchCityId: Hashable { }

guard state.status != .loading else { return .none }
state.status = .loading
return .task {
await .citiesResponse(TaskResult<[Find.City]> {
try await weatherClient.searchCity(query)

case .citiesResponse(let result):
switch result {
case .success(let list):
state.status = list.count > 0 ? .normal : .noResult
state.list = list
case .failure(let error):
state.status = .failed(error.localizedDescription)
state.list = []
return .none
return .none

* Store:用于驱动某个功能的运行时(runtime)。将所有用户行为发送到「Store」中,令它运行「Reducer」和「Effects」。同时从「Store」中观测「State」,以更新UI。
Expand All @@ -82,15 +96,14 @@ let searchReducer = Reducer<SearchState, SearchAction, SearchEnvironment> {
store: .init(
initialState: .init(),
reducer: weatherReducer,
environment: WeatherEnvironment(mainQueue: .main, weatherClient: .live)
reducer: WeatherReducer()

struct SearchView: View {
let store: Store<WeatherState, WeatherAction>
let store: StoreOf<WeatherReducer>

var body: some View {
WithViewStore(searchStore) { viewStore in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,7 +157,7 @@ NavigationSplitView { // sidebar

struct WeatherClient {
var searchCity: (String) -> Effect<[Find.City], AppError>
var searchCity: @Sendable (String) async throws -> [Find.City]

extension WeatherClient {
Expand All @@ -153,15 +166,11 @@ extension WeatherClient {
guard let q = query.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed),
let url = URL(string: "\(q)&appid=\(appid)&units=metric")
else {
return Effect(error: .badURL)
throw AppError.badURL

return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)
.map { $ }
.decode(type: Find.self, decoder: JSONDecoder())
.map { $0.list }
.mapError { AppError.networkingFailed($0) }
let (data, _) = try await url)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(Find.self, from: data).list
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