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fix for formula only using subset of data
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n8thangreen committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent 6597083 commit bc3c27f
Showing 7 changed files with 62 additions and 36 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions R/check_formula.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

check_formula <- function(formula) {

if (!"trt" %in% attr(terms(formula), "term.labels"))
stop("Treatment term, trt, is missing in the formula")

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/maic.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ maic_weights <- function(X_EM) {
#' @keywords internal
maic.boot <- function(ipd, indices, formula, ald) {

dat <- ipd[indices, ] # bootstrap sample

effect_modifier_names <- get_effect_modifiers(formula)
@@ -58,6 +57,7 @@ maic.boot <- function(ipd, indices, formula, ald) {
# BC effect modifier means, assumed fixed
mean_names <- get_mean_names(ald, effect_modifier_names)

# centre AC effect modifiers on BC means
dat_ALD_means <- ald[, mean_names][rep(1, nrow(X_EM)), ]
X_EM <- X_EM - dat_ALD_means
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions R/mimR.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -47,8 +47,18 @@ mimR <- function(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy, CI = 0.95, ...) {
if (!inherits(strategy, "strategy"))
stop("strategy argument must be of a class strategy.")

AC_mimR <- IPD_stats(strategy, ipd = AC.IPD, ald = BC.ALD, ...)
BC_mimR <- ALD_stats(ald = BC.ALD)
# select data according to formula
ipd <- model.frame(strategy$formula, data = AC.IPD)

term.labels <- attr(terms(strategy$formula), "term.labels")
mean_names <- paste0("mean.", term.labels)
sd_names <- paste0("sd.", term.labels)
keep_names <- c(mean_names, sd_names,
"y.B.sum", "", "N.B", "y.C.sum", "", "N.C")
ald <- BC.ALD[keep_names]

AC_mimR <- IPD_stats(strategy, ipd = ipd, ald = ald, ...)
BC_mimR <- ALD_stats(ald = ald)

upper <- 0.5 + CI/2
ci_range <- c(1-upper, upper)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions R/strategy_.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ strategy_maic <- function(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4 + trt*X1 + trt*X2"),
R = 1000) {
if (class(formula) != "formula")
stop("formula argument must be of formula class.")

default_args <- formals()
args <- as.list([-1]
@@ -76,6 +78,8 @@ strategy_stc <- function(formula =
if (class(formula) != "formula")
stop("formula argument must be of formula class.")


default_args <- formals()
args <- as.list([-1]
args <- modifyList(default_args, args)
69 changes: 36 additions & 33 deletions tests/testthat/test-mimR.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -14,37 +14,40 @@ test_that("mimR errors", {
test_that("different combinations of covariates in formula", {

# # maic
# strat_none <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ ."))
# strat_1 <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4 + trt*X1 + trt*X2"))
# strat_2 <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4 + X5 + trt*X1"))
# strat_no_trt <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4"))
# strat_31 <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + trt*X1"))
# strat_32 <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ trt*X1 + X3"))
# strat_no_X1 <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ trt*X1"))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_none))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_1))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_2))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_no_trt))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_31))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_32))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_no_X1))
# # stc
# strat_none <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ ."))
# strat_1 <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4 + trt*X1 + trt*X2"))
# strat_2 <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4 + X5 + trt*X1"))
# strat_no_trt <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4"))
# strat_31 <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + trt*X1"))
# strat_32 <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ trt*X1 + X3"))
# strat_no_X1 <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ trt*X1"))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_none))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_1))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_2))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_no_trt))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_31))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_32))
# expect_equal(mimR(AC.IPD, BC.ALD, strategy = strat_no_X1))

# maic
expect_error(strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ 1")),
regexp = "Treatment term, trt, is missing in the formula")

expect_error(strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4")),
regexp = "Treatment term, trt, is missing in the formula")

strat_1234 <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4 + trt*X1 + trt*X2"))
strat_31 <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + trt*X1"))
strat_13 <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ trt*X1 + X3"))
strat_1 <- strategy_maic(formula = as.formula("y ~ trt*X1"))

expect_length(mimR(AC_IPD, BC_ALD, strategy = strat_1234), 3)
expect_equal(mimR(AC_IPD, BC_ALD, strategy = strat_31))
expect_equal(mimR(AC_IPD, BC_ALD, strategy = strat_13))
expect_equal(mimR(AC_IPD, BC_ALD, strategy = strat_1))

# stc
expect_error(strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ 1")),
regexp = "Treatment term, trt, is missing in the formula")

expect_error(strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4")),
regexp = "Treatment term, trt, is missing in the formula")

strat_1234 <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + X4 + trt*X1 + trt*X2"))
strat_31 <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ X3 + trt*X1"))
strat_13 <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ trt*X1 + X3"))
strat_1 <- strategy_stc(formula = as.formula("y ~ trt*X1"))

expect_equal(mimR(AC_IPD, BC_ALD, strategy = strat_1234))
expect_equal(mimR(AC_IPD, BC_ALD, strategy = strat_31))
expect_equal(mimR(AC_IPD, BC_ALD, strategy = strat_13))
expect_equal(mimR(AC_IPD, BC_ALD, strategy = strat_1))
Binary file added tests/testthat/testdata/AC_IPD.RData
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added tests/testthat/testdata/BC_ALD.RData
Binary file not shown.

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