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Manual Refunds (Sofort directEbanking)

Dylan C. Kendal edited this page Nov 6, 2015 · 2 revisions

Some payments (Sofort directEbanking) are non-refundable from the Solidus admin. These payments must be refunded manually.

Sofort transactions may be cancelled by the bank up to 48 hours after the transaction has been made. This can be because any number of reasons, lack of funds, ... etc. For this reason you must wait 3 days after the authorization date before attempting a refund.

Sofort refunds are implemented on Adyen's side as a bank transfer from the merchant to the customer. You will have to contact an Adyen customer representative in order to complete the refund.

To make this process a bit easier there a few features in the Solidus backend to help you.

####Example Say I would like to refund order #R269288170.

First I would go to the order tab, and find the order. selecting order Order #R269288170 pictured as the order in the third row

If I go to look at order #R269288170's payments, I see that it has one payment, and where the payment action buttons for refund and cancel typically are there aren't any. order #R269288170's payments

When I click on the link in the identifier column I can view the history of this payment. This page shows the history of the payment as a conversation between Adyen (on the left), and the Solidus store (on the right). Messages from Solidus are requests to modify the payment and messages from Adyen are responses to the request.

The first message from Solidus is just an acknowledgement that the payment has been authorized. payment was previously captured

We can see that this was a directEbanking (Sofort) payment, which is nonrefundable from the admin, explaining why there was no cancel button on the previous page.

Now we go to order checkout, or shipment, page and click the Cancel Order button. clicking order's cancel button

After canceling the order the order state is cancelled, as we would expect, but the payment state is still credit owed! Also there is a big, alarming button instructing us that a "manual refund is required", more on that later. Let's go back to the payment to see what happened.

order is cancelled, with credit due and manual refund required

The new notification lets us know that the refund couldn't be completed automatically and that we're going to have to do it ourselves. payment's logs show explanation

At this point point we're going to have to get in contact with someone at Adyen to manually refund the payment.

To view all payment's that are associated with this order we can click on the the big red "manual refund required" button.

Clicking the button will take us from the store to Adyen and search for all payment's relating to this order (you'll probably have to log in first). clicking "manual refund required" button takes you to Adyen Customer area, showing all payments for the order

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