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Keep your BookingSync Application synced with BookingSync


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Synced is a Rails Engine that helps you keep local models synchronized with their BookingSync representation.

It decreases time needed to fetch data from BookingSync API. If given endpoint supports updated_since parameter, Synced will first perform a full synchronization and then every next synchronization will only synchronize added/changed/deleted objects since last synchronization.


This engine requires Rails >= 4.0.0 and Ruby >= 2.0.0.


To get started, add it to your Gemfile with:

gem 'synced'

and run bundle install

Basic usage

Assume we want to create an application displaying rentals from multiple BookingSync accounts and we want to synchronize rentals to make it snappy and traffic efficient.

We will surely have Rental and Account models. Where Account will have BookingSync::Engine::Account mixin and thus respond to api method.

First generate a migration to add synced fields to the model. These fields will be used for storing data from the API.


rails g migration AddSyncedFieldsToRentals synced_id:integer:index \
  synced_data:text synced_all_at:datetime

and migrate:

rake db:migrate

Add synced statement to the model you want to keep in sync and add api method which return instance of BookingSync::API::Client used for fetching data.

class Rental < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :account


Synchronize rentals for given account.

Rental.synchronize(scope: account)

Now rentals details fetched from the API are accessible through synced_data method.

rental =
rental.synced_data.bedrooms # => 4
rental.synced_data.rental_type # => "villa"

Synced strategies

There are currently 3 synced strategies: :full, :updated_since and :check.

  • :full strategy fetches all available data each time, being simple but very inefficient in most cases.
  • :updated_since is default strategy and syncs only changes since last sync. It's more efficient, but also more complex.
  • :check strategy fetches everything like full one, but only compares the datas without updating anything.

Synced database fields

Option name Default value Description Required
:id_key :synced_id ID of the object fetched from the API YES
:data_key :synced_data Stores data fetched from the API NO
:synced_all_at_key :synced_all_at Stores time of the last synchronization NO

Custom fields name can be configured in the synced statement of your model:

class Rental < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced id_key: :remote_id, data_key: :remote_data

Local attributes

Whole remote data is stored in synced_data column, however sometimes it's useful (for example for sorting) to have some attributes directly in your model. You can use local_attributes to achieve it:

class Rental < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced local_attributes: [:name, :size]

This assumes that model has name and size attributes. On every synchronization these two attributes will be assigned with value of and remote_object.size appropriately.

Local attributes with custom names

If you want to store attributes from remote object under different name, you need to pass your own mapping hash to synced statement. Keys are local attributes and values are remote ones. See below example:

class Rental < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced local_attributes: { headline: :name, remote_size: :size }

During synchronization to local attribute headline will be assigned value of name attribute of the remote object and to the local remote_size attribute will be assigned value of size attribute of the remote object.

Local attributes with mapping blocks

If you want to convert attribute's value during synchronization you can pass a block as value in the mapping hash. Block will receive remote object as the only argument.

class Rental < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced local_attributes: { headline: ->(rental) { rental.headline.downcase } }

Local attributes with mapping modules

Converting remote object's values with blocks is really easy, but when you get more attributes and longer code in the blocks they might become quite complex and hard to read. In such cases you can use a mapper module. Remote object will be extended with it.

class Rental < ActiveRecord::Base
  module Mapper
    def downcased_headline
  synced mapper: Mapper, local_attributes: { headline: :downcased_headline }

If you want to define Mapper module after the synced directive, you need to pass Mapper module inside a block to avoid "uninitialized constant" exception.

class Rental < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced mapper: -> { Mapper },
    local_attributes: { headline: :downcased_headline }
  module Mapper

Globalized attributes

Some of the API endpoints return strings in multiple languages. When your app is also multilingual you might want take advantage of it and import translations straight to model translations.

In order to import translations use :globalized_attributes attribute. It assumes that your app is using Globalize 3 or newer and :headline is already a translated attribute.

class Rental < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced globalized_attributes: :headline
  translates :headline

Now headline will be saved for all translations provided by the API. If given translation will be removed on the API side, it will set to nil locally.

If you want to map remote field to a different local attribute, specify mapping as a Hash instead of an Array.

class Rental < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced globalized_attributes: {headline: :description}
  translates :headline

This will map remote :description to local :headline attribute.

Partial updates (using :updated_since strategy)

Partial updates mean that first synchronization will copy all of the remote objects into local database and next synchronizations will sync only added/changed and removed objects. This significantly improves synchronization time and saves network traffic.

NOTE: In order it to work, given endpoint needs to support updated_since parameter. Check API documentation for given endpoint.

Storing last sync timestamps

When using :updated_since sync strategy you need to store the timestamp of the last sync somewhere. By default Synced::Strategies::SyncedAllAtTimestampStrategy strategy is used, which requires synced_all_at column to be present in the synced model. This is simple solution but on large syncs it causes serious overhead on updating the timestamps on all the records.

There is also a Synced::Strategies::SyncedPerScopeTimestampStrategy, that uses another model, Synced::Timestamp, to store the synchronization timestamps. You can generate the migration the following way:

rails generate migration create_synced_timestamps

and copy the body from here:

class CreateSyncedTimestamps < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :synced_timestamps do |t|
      t.belongs_to :parent_scope, polymorphic: true
      t.string :model_class, null: false
      t.datetime :synced_at, null: false

    add_index :synced_timestamps, [:parent_scope_id, :parent_scope_type, :model_class, :synced_at], name: 'synced_timestamps_max_index', order: { synced_at: 'DESC' }

This strategy is added to fix the problems with massive updates on synced_all_at. Proper cleanup of timestamp records is needed once in a while with Synced::Timestamp.cleanup (cleans records older than 1 week).

Forcing local objects to be re-synced with the API

When you add a new column or change something in the synced attributes and you are using partial updates, old local objects will not be re-synced with API automatically. You need to reset synced_all_at column in order to force re-syncing objects again on the next synchronization. In order to do that use reset_synced method.


You can use this method on a relation as well.

Disabling saving whole synced_data

If you don't need whole remote object to be stored in local object skip creating synced_data column in the database or set synced_data_key: nil.

If you don't want to synchronize only added/changed or deleted objects but all objects every time, don't create synced_all_at column in the database or set synced_all_at: false in the synced statement.

You cannot disable synchronizing synced_id as it's required to match local objects with the remote ones.


It's possible to synchronize objects together with it's associations. Meaning local associated objects will be created. For that you need to:

  1. Specify associations you want to synchronize within synced declaration of the parent model
  2. Add synced declaration to the associated model
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced associations: :photos
  has_many :photos

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :location

Then run synchronization of the parent objects. Every of the remote_locations objects needs to respond to remote_location[:photos] from where data for photos association will be taken.


NOTE: It assumes that local association photos exists in Location model.

Including associations in synced_data

When you need associated data available in the local object, but you don't need it to be a local association, you can use include: option in model or synchronize method.

class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced include: :photos
end # => [{id: 1}, {id: 2}]

You can also specify include: option in synchronize method. In this case it will overwrite include: from the model.

Location.synchronize(include: :addresses)

Synchronization of given remote objects

By default synced will fetch remote objects using BookingSync::API::Client but in some cases you might want to provide own list of remote objects to synchronize. In order to do that provide them as remote: option to synchronize method.

Location.synchronize(remote: remote_locations)

NOTE: Partial updates are disabled when providing remote objects.

Removing local objects

By default synchronization will not delete any local objects which are removed on the API side. In order to remove local objects removed on the API, specify remove: true in the model or as an option to synchronize method.

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced remove: true

Option remove: passed to Photo.synchronize method will overwrite configuration in the model.

For objects which need to be removed :destroy_all is called. If model has canceled_at column, local objects will be canceled with :cancel_all class method. You can force your own class method to be called on the local objects which should be removed by passing it as an symbol.

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced remove: :mark_as_outdated

  def self.mark_as_outdated
    all.update_attributes(outdated: true)

Selecting fields to be synchronized

Very often you don't need whole object to be fetched and stored in local database but only several fields. You can specify which fields should be fetched and stored with fields: option.

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced fields: [:name, :url]

This can be overwritten in synchronize method.

Photo.synchronize(fields: [:name, :size])

Delegate attributes

You can delegate attributes from your synced model to synced_data Hash for easier access to synchronized data.

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced delegate_attributes: [:name]

Now you can fetch photo name using: #=> "Sunny morning"

If you want to access synced attribute with different name, you can pass a Hash:

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
  synced delegate_attributes: {title: :name}

keys are delegated attributes' names and values are keys on synced data Hash. This is a simpler
version of `delegate :name, to: :synced_data` which works with Hash reserved attributes names, like
`:zip`, `:map`.

## Synced configuration options

Option name          | Default value    | Description                                                                       | synced | synchronize |
`:id_key`            | `:synced_id`     | ID of the object fetched from the API                                             | YES    | NO          |
`:data_key`          | `:synced_data`   | Object fetched from the API                                                       | YES    | NO          |
`:associations`      | `[]`             | [Sync remote associations to local ones](#associations)                           | YES    | NO          |
`:local_attributes`  | `[]`             | [Sync remote attributes to local ones](#local-attributes)                         | YES    | NO          |
`:mapper`            | `nil`            | [Module used for mapping remote objects](#local-attributes-with-mapping-modules)  | YES    | NO          |
`:remove`            | `false`          | [If local objects should be removed when deleted on API](#removing-local-objects) | YES    | YES         |
`:include`           | `[]`             | [An array of associations to be fetched](#including-associations-in-synced_data)  | YES    | YES         |
`:fields`            | `[]`             | [An array of fields to be fetched](#selecting-fields-to-be-synchronized)          | YES    | YES         |
`:remote`            | `nil`            | [Remote objects to be synchronized with local ones](#synchronization-of-given-remote-objects) | NO | YES |
`:delegate_attributes`| `[]`            | [Define delegators to synced data Hash attributes](#delegate-attributes) | YES | NO |

## Documentation

[API documentation is available at](


Keep your BookingSync Application synced with BookingSync



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