Releases: Stypox/tridenta
Releases · Stypox/tridenta
1.4 - maintenance
1.3 - direction filter, cardinal points
- Distinguish stops with the same name based on their cardinal point
- Filter line trips based on direction #7
- Show bus ID for trips #6 (thanks @topongo!)
- Polish trip view style
- Make stops and lines in trip view clickable #11
- Make stop time bold when highlighted #10
- Use a non-centered app bar
- Update various libraries and fix deprecations
1.2 - various fixes
- Add button to clear logs
- When automatically reloading lines and stops, do so in the background instead of keeping the user waiting
- Do not cancel the search on closing the keyboard #4
- Use drop shadow instead of cast shadow in the logo
1.1 - auto-reload trips
Now the app can also be downloaded from F-Droid and from Play Store!
- Automatically reload trips every 10 seconds
- Explain where to find the crash report if the app crashes
- Reduce APK size from ~13MB to ~4MB
- Improve strategy for retrying network requests
- Fix incorrect time shown as the last received update on a trip
- Fix time-related inconsistencies when the phone's timezone is not Europe/Rome
- Update libraries
1.0 - initial release
- Stops: view and search stops all across Trentino, and see which lines pass by a stop
- Lines: filter urban and suburban lines by area by choosing from a map of Trentino
- Trips: view trips performed by a line or passing by a stop at a specific time, with arrival times, delay, headsign and direction information
- Favorites and history are shown in the drawer for easy access to the lines or stops you use the most
- Shortcuts in your phone's application launcher can link directly to a specific screen inside Tridenta, allowing you to save even more time
- Tridenta handles errors without crashing and also has a logs screen for viewing stack traces and other logs, if needed.
- There is a nice about screen, too!