Predict the price of the Uber ride from a given pickup point to the agreed drop-off location. Perform following tasks:
- Pre-process the dataset.
- Identify outliers.
- Check the correlation.
- Implement linear regression and random forest regression models.
- Evaluate the models and compare their respective scores like R2, RMSE, etc.
Dataset link:
Classify the email using the binary classification method. Email Spam detection has two states: a) Normal State – Not Spam, b) Abnormal State – Spam. Use K-Nearest Neighbors and Support Vector Machine for classification. Analyze their performance.
Dataset link:
Given a bank customer, build a neural network-based classifier that can determine whether they will leave or not in the next 6 months. Dataset Description: The case study is from an open-source dataset from Kaggle. The dataset contains 10,000 sample points with 14 distinct features such as CustomerId, CreditScore, Geography, Gender, Age, Tenure, Balance, etc.
Link to the Kaggle project:
Perform following steps:
- Read the dataset.
- Distinguish the feature and target set and divide the data set into training and test sets.
- Normalize the train and test data.
- Initialize and build the model. Identify the points of improvement and implement the same.
- Print the accuracy score and confusion matrix
Implement Gradient Descent Algorithm to find the local minima of a function. For example, find the local minima of the function y=(x+3)² starting from the point x=2.
Implement K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm on diabetes.csv dataset. Compute confusion matrix, accuracy, error rate, precision and recall on the given dataset.
Dataset link :
Mini Project
Build a machine learning model that predicts the type of people who survived the Titanic shipwreck using passenger data (i.e. name, age, gender, socio-economic class, etc.).
Dataset Link: