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スーイツ edited this page May 4, 2018 · 4 revisions

General Usage

Nougat needs at least one backend to run.

On your first run, Nougat will create a configuration file at $HOME/.config/nougat, where the default screenshot location, organization policy, and linking policy are set.

The organization policy defines how Nougat will store screenshots, and the linking policy defines how Nougat will link them.

The default configuration file is below, should you need it.


Users coming from v1 will have their configuration generated based on their previous NOUGAT_SCREENSHOT_DIRECTORY environment variable.

While it doesn't break anything, it's recommended that you don't leave a trailing slash in the screenshot directory. The following command-line options, as well as any combination of them, can be used to take a screenshot.

Command-line options

Options Functionality
-h The general help command for Nougat.
-f Takes a fullscreen screenshot.
-s Does not output the file's path.
-t Places the screenshot in /tmp rather than the set directory.
-c Copies to the image to the clipboard.
-b [maim|scrot|imagemagick] Specifies which backend should be used when taking a screenshot.
-p Cleans symlinks that point to nowhere in the link directory.*
-m Screenshots the currently focused monitor

* Does not take a screenshot.


I've just installed Nougat, and set it to a keybinding, but it doesn't work with the keybinding. (v1)

First ensure that you meet the dependencies of at least one backend. If you've exported the screenshot directory, you will be required to logout and log back in.

Nougat always outputs the path of a screenshot.

This is done to make it easier to integrate Nougat into other applications (for example an image uploader).

Pass -s.

My name is Ted

Get the developer and three general Linux users of varying experience levels together for an hour in a Discord voice chat, one explaining a handful of commands to install it, the other two making a pacman package for you. Then, one puts the package on the AUR, and install from there.