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Package for automatic interface generation using an incremental source generator


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This NuGet package provides a functionality to automatically generate interfaces for C# classes with a single attribute. This simplifies the creation of interfaces for classes with clearly defined public members, without having to manually write interface code.


  • Automatic interface generation: Saves time and reduces the risk of errors when creating interfaces for classes.
  • Support for generic methods and constraints: Allows for generating interfaces for complex classes with generic methods.
  • Support for custom getters and setters: Generates interfaces for properties with custom getter and setter implementations.
  • Customizable interface name: Allows you to name the interface according to naming conventions or user preferences.
  • Compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 and C# 7.3+: Works on a wide range of platforms and development environments.


Add the Minerals.AutoInterfaces nuget package to your C# project using the following methods:

1. Project file definition

<PackageReference Include="Minerals.AutoInterfaces" Version="0.1.5" />

2. dotnet command

dotnet add package Minerals.AutoInterfaces


To use the package, add the [GenerateInterface] attribute to the selected class.

namespace Examples
    public class ExampleClass
        public int Property1 { get; set; } = 1;
        public int Property2 { get; private set; } = 2;
        public int Property3
            get { return _field1; }
            set { _field1 = value; }

        private int _field1 = 0;

        public int Method1(int arg0, int arg1)
            return arg0 + arg1;

        public void Method2<T>(T arg0) where T : class, new()
            return $"{arg0}";

        protected void Method3() { }

The code above will generate the IExampleClass.g.cs file with the IExampleClass interface.

namespace Examples
    public interface IExampleClass
        int Property1 { get; set; }
        int Property2 { get; }
        int Property3 { get; set; }
        int Method1(int arg0, int arg1);
        string Method2<T>(T arg0) where T : class, new();

Package supports custom interface names

namespace Examples
    public class ExampleClass
        public int Property1 { get; protected set; } = 1;

The code above will generate the ExampleInterface.g.cs file with the ExampleInterface interface.

namespace Examples
    public interface ExampleInterface
        int Property1 { get; }


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the branches on this repository.


  • Szymon Hałucha - Maintainer

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Package for automatic interface generation using an incremental source generator






