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Overview and Architecture

GeoAPI is a restful API to create geospatial features in a PostGIS database. Users create a map "project" then can add features to it. The development docker-compose file has 3 containers:

  • a PostGIS database exposing 5432,
  • the api which exposes port 8000 behind gunicorn
  • an nginx server to serve static files and proxy to the api, running on port 8080.

See which is an associated viewer application.


Configure .env file

Environment variables are used to define the tenant's service accounts which are needed to access metadata and some user information. An .env file for developers can be found on UT Stache.

Python side

The API is built with flask and flask-restplus. It is running in its own container under gunicorn on port 8000

make build make start

Initialize the database

docker exec -it geoapi python

Obtain a JWT

Refer to the confluence page or ask a colleague for assistance in obtaining a JWT.

Make some requests

You need to add the following header for authentication:

X-JWT-Assertion-designsafe to equal the JWT obtained above

Create a new map project

send a POST request to localhost:8000/projects with a body like this:

  "name": "Awesome Project",
  "description": "Cool project"

send a GET request to localhost:8000/projects and you should get that back.

Client viewer

See for details.

Creating migrations when updating database models

These are useful steps to follow when there are changes to the database model.

First, apply migrations:

docker exec -it geoapi alembic upgrade head

Then, create migrations:

docker exec -it geoapi /bin/bash
alembic revision --autogenerate
# Then:
# - remove drop table commands for postgis
# - add/commit migrations


Run route/service tests on the api container

docker-compose -f devops/docker-compose.test.yml -p geoapi_test run api pytest

Run worker-related tasks on the workers container

docker-compose -f devops/docker-compose.test.yml -p geoapi_test run workers pytest -m "worker"

Note that images need to be rebuilt before running tests if they have been updated (e.g. packages):

make build

or run directly in your running containers:

docker exec -it geoapi_postgres psql -d postgres  -U dev
 \connect test;

# then run tests in api
docker exec -it geoapi bash
APP_ENV=testing pytest

# then run tests in worker
docker exec -it geoapiworkers bash
APP_ENV=testing pytest -m "worker"

Kubernetes (Production/Staging)

Information on Kubernetes configuration for production and staging environments can be found in the kube/ including information on kube commands and Jenkins deployment workflows.

Python client

The python package can be found at PyPi

Python client generation

Python client is generated from the swagger definition of GeoAPI. The following steps can be used to get swagger definition:

docker exec -it geoapi python swagger.json
docker cp geoapi:/app/geoapi/swagger.json .

Using the swagger definition, the following steps create python client and upload the python client to PyPi

git clone --depth 1 client/swagger-codegen
cp client/*.mustache client/swagger-codegen/modules/swagger-codegen/src/main/resources/python/.
# Convert
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/local -w=/local swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli  generate -i swagger.json -l python -o client/geoapi_client -c client/config.json -t client/swagger-codegen/modules/swagger-codegen/src/main/resources/python/
cd client/geoapi_client
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
twine check dist/*
python3 -m twine upload dist/*