A software package for optical mapping data processing, analysis and visualization
Please refer to "OMToolsManual.pdf" for more details.
- Compile the OMTools package in the OMTools folder: javac -d bin -sourcepath src -cp "lib/*" @classes
- Build a runnable jar file for OMTools: jar cvfm OMTools.jar manifest -C bin .
- Run OMTools: java -jar OMTools.jar
You may refer to the wiki page to check how to use OMTools, particularly for the latest DLE-1 data.
In case other users have the same problems in using OMTools, please report the potential issues on the Issues page. We will answer you ASAP.
Leung, Alden King-Yung, et al. "OMBlast: alignment tool for optical mapping using a seed-and-extend approach." Bioinformatics (2017).
Leung, Alden King-Yung, et al. "OMTools: a software package for visualizing and processing optical mapping data." Bioinformatics (2017).