dinamic reprojection tool for geoexplorer
An evented http server built on top of eventmachine
Extend of EditorManger tools from gxp (create panel rather than buttons)
generate files structure for some js lib, include files for testing(spec,jasmin), starting server (sinatra), coffee-script compiling.
Talleyran / postgis_adapter
Forked from nofxx/postgis_adapterFork of spatial_adapter to give postgis more love
ColdRuby is a compiler of Ruby 1.9 MRI bytecode, and a runtime written in JavaScript to aid in execution of Ruby code. It also includes a C++ executable using very fast V8 scripting engine and nati…
ActiveRecord connection adapter for PostGIS, based on postgresql and rgeo
A sweet Rails stack - using Sprinkle. IMPORTANT: Still cooking, so don't expect it to work at all - progress halted for a while..
Repository contains pgRouting library. Development branch is "develop", stable branch is "master"
High level components for GeoExt based applications.
rorcraft / BaseApp2
Forked from raavin/BaseApp2Fork of BaseApp2 with devise for authentication and bundler (now stable)
Deprecated. Use
dejw / jquery.deserialize
Forked from itsadok/jquery.deserializeSimple jquery deserializer plugin that actually works!