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A SDK that provides an interface to show, process and authorize Pay in your app.

Platform CocoaPods Compatible

Tap Apple Pay Kit Demo


To use the SDK the following requirements must be met:

  1. Xcode 11.0 or newer
  2. Swift 4.2 or newer (preinstalled with Xcode)
  3. Deployment target SDK for the app: iOS 12.0 or later


Installation with CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods


To integrate goSellSDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

platform :ios, '12.0'

source ''

target 'MyApp' do
    pod 'TapApplePayKit-iOS'


Then, run the following command:

$ pod update

iOS 17.0+

You may face the build error error while build iOS app in Xcode : Sandbox: rsync.samba (13105) deny(1) file-write-create . to solve it please disable the field ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING in project's build settings.


TapApplePayKit provides extensive ways for utilising Pay in your application with ease:

  • Using Tap Apple Pay Button:

    • On the shelf customisble Apple pay button.
    • Handles Apple payment authorization and processing.
    • Theme and title are customisable.
    • Simulator-Screen-Shot-i-Phone-11-2020-04-15-at-09-50-17
  • Using your UI:

    • You can start TapApplePayKit from your own UI at the point you see convient.

    • Will handle Apple pay authorization.

    • Will delegate back the Apple Pay processing result.

    Making it one of the most inclusive pods in the market, yet one of the easiest to integrate with.


This section will descripe the models used within the kit. This is an important introduction to understand how to utilise and use the kit.


This an expressive enum to wrap PKPaymentNetwork. Following are the supported cases stating if any of them require a minimum iOS version


case Amex
case CartesBancaires
case Discover
case Eftpos
case Electron
@available(iOS 12.1.1, *)
case Elo
case idCredit
case Interac
case JCB
@available(iOS 12.1.1, *)
case Mada
case Maestro
case MasterCard
case PrivateLabel
case QuicPay
case Suica
case Visa
case VPay


This enum is a wrapper to indicate the current device/user status to deal with Apple Pay.


 /// This means the current device/user has Apple pay activated and a card belongs to the given payment networks
    case Eligible
    /// This means the current device/user has Apple pay activated but has no card belongs to the given payment networks
    case NeedSetup
    /// This means the current device/user cannot use Apple pay from Apple
    case NotEligible


This enum is an expresive wrapper of PKPaymentButtonType to define the type/context of the TapApplePayButton, this will effect the title on the button


 /// Title : Pay
    case AppleLogoOnly
 /// Title : Buy with Pay
    case BuyWithApplePay
 /// Title : Setup Pay
    case SetupApplePay
 /// Title : Pay with Pay
    case PayWithApplePay
 /// Title : Donate with Pay
    case DonateWithApplePay
 /// Title : Checkout with Pay
    case CheckoutWithApplePay
 /// Title : Book with Pay
    case BookWithApplePay
 /// Title : Subscribe with Pay
    case SubscribeWithApplePay


This enum is an expresive wrapper of PKPaymentButtonStyle to define the style of the TapApplePayButton


 /// Full black with white title
    case Black
/// Full white with black title
    case White
/// Full white with black border and black title
    case WhiteOutline


A class to represent TapApplePayToken model. This wraps the PKPaymentToken and will be used in the DataSource for TapApplePayKit .

Also, it converts the raw PKPaymentToken data to string and json and are publically accessible.


     Create TapApplePayToken object with an apple payment token
     - Parameter rawAppleToken: This is the raw apple token you want to wrap. All other representations will be converted automatically
    public init(with rawAppleToken:PKPaymentToken)


The class that represents the request details that identefies the transaction and to be filled by the datasource of TapApplePayKit . The app will have to pass mandatory information to fulfil Pay requirements.


     Creates a Tap Apple Pay request that can be used afterards to make an apple pay request
     - Parameter countryCode: The country code where the user transacts default .US
     - Parameter currencyCode: The currency code the transaction has default .USD
     - Parameter paymentNetworks:  The payment networks you  want to limit the payment to default [.Amex,.Visa,.Mada,.MasterCard]
     - Parameter var paymentItems: What are the items you want to show in the apple pay sheet default  []
     - Parameter paymentAmount: The total amount you want to collect
     - Parameter applePayMerchantID: The apple pay merchant identefier default ""
    public func build(paymentNetworks:[TapApplePayPaymentNetwork] = [.Amex,.Visa,.MasterCard], paymentItems:[PKPaymentSummaryItem] = [], paymentAmount:Double,currencyCode:TapCurrencyCode = .USD,applePayMerchantID:String,merchantCapabilities:PKMerchantCapability = [.credit,.debit,.emv,.threeDSecure])


This section descripes the actual controllers that your app will be dealing with. The controller is different based on the integration mode the app utilises. Whether using our TapApplePayButton or starting the kit from your own UI.


TapApplePayKit provides a from the shelf UIView that will show Apple Pay button to the user. The button will handle himself and will start and process Apple payment when clicked.

The button provides ways to customise its look and a datasource protocol to fill in the required data to start Apple pay process. Also it provides a delegate protocol to pass back to your app the parsed apple payment token when the user authorizes the payment.

Datasource, Swift:

/// Data source to provide needed data for the apple pay button to start the apple authorization process
@objc public protocol TapApplePayButtonDataSource {
    /// This s the Tap wrapper of Apple pay request and it is a must to be correctly filled before firing Apple pay request
    var tapApplePayRequest:TapApplePayRequest { get }

Delegate, Swift:

/// Delegate of methods Tap Apple Pay will use to pass back the results of the authorization process
@objc public protocol TapApplePayButtonDelegate {
     This method will be called once the authprization happened
     - Parameter appleToken: The correctly and authorized tokenized payment data from Apple Pay kit
    func tapApplePayFinished(with tapAppleToken:TapApplePayToken)->()

After setting its frame as any normal UIView, you can setup it to provide a customised look as needed by your app as follows:


     Method to configure the tap apple pay button
     - Parameter tapApplePayButtonClicked: Inform when the apple pay button is clicked so you can do any logic if you want
     - Parameter buttonType: The type/title to show for the Apple pay button
		 - Parameter buttonStyle: The UI style you want to apply to the button
    public func setup(tapApplePayButtonClicked:((TapApplePayButton)->())? = nil,buttonType:TapApplePayButtonType = .AppleLogoOnly, buttonStyle:TapApplePayButtonStyleOutline = .Black)


TapApplePayKit provides an interface to start the Apple pay authorisation process based on an event within your own UI.

Use this whenever you want to use your own UI and want to start apple pay process at a certain point of your app's flow. As easy as possible without the need for any datasource or delegates implementation using block based development.

To start the payment process with one line call as follows:


     Public interface to be used to start Apple pay athprization process without the need to include out Tap APple Pay button
     - Parameter presenter: The UIViewcontroller you want to show the native Apple Pay sheet in
     - Parameter tapApplePayRequest: The Tap apple request wrapper that has the valid data of your transaction
     - Parameter tokenized: The block to be called once the user successfully authorize the payment
    public func authorizePayment(in presenter:UIViewController, for tapApplePayRequest:TapApplePayRequest, tokenized:@escaping ((TapApplePayToken)->()))


Setup the Apple Pay kit with your merchant data

This is a mandatory step for the SDK to work. You have to make sure you call this function with the correct details and only proceed with the SDK onSuccess. This function connects your app to Tap payments and verify all the provided details.

    /// The apple pay request that holds the merchant and the transaction details
     var myTapApplePayRequest:TapApplePayRequest = .init()

    // First define your environment
    TapApplePay.sdkMode = .production
    // Second define your transaction & merchant details 10, merchantID: "merchant.tap.gosell") [.Mada,.Visa,.MasterCard], paymentItems: [], paymentAmount:10, currencyCode: .SAR,merchantID:"merchant.tap.gosell",     merchantCapabilities: [.capability3DS,.capabilityCredit,.capabilityDebit,.capabilityEMV])

     Call this method before showing the controller that will use the Apple pay. Without correctly setupping the SDK, it will not work afterwards
     - Parameter merchantKey : The public keys you get for sandbox and production from Tap integration team
     - Parameter merchantID: The tap merchant identefier default ""
     - Parameter onSuccess : A callback whenever it is correctly setupped, meaning the backend responded with session token and this merchant has apple pay enabled
     - Parameter onErrorOccured: A callback to indicate what error did we face while trying to setup the SDK
     - Parameter tapApplePayRequest: The apple pay request passed by the merchant the includes the details of his required order
	TapApplePay.setupTapMerchantApplePay(merchantKey: .init(sandbox: "pk_test_xxxx", production: "pk_live_xxxx"), merchantID:"XXX", onSuccess:  {
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                //self.loadingIndicator.isHidden = true
                //self.navigationController?.pushViewController((self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ViewController"))!, animated: true)
        }, onErrorOccured: { error in
            let alertView:UIAlertController = .init(title: "Error occured", message: "We couldn't process your request. \(error ?? "")", preferredStyle: .alert)
            alertView.addAction(.init(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel))
            self.present(alertView, animated: true)
            self.loadingIndicator.isHidden = true
        }, tapApplePayRequest: myTapApplePayRequest)

Starting the KIT from within your UI


import TapApplePayKit_iOS
import PassKit
import enum CommonDataModelsKit_iOS.TapCountryCode
import enum CommonDataModelsKit_iOS.TapCurrencyCode

// Prepare the needed parameters, to adjust them once you need to start the process
let myTapApplePayRequest:TapApplePayRequest = .init()
let tapApplePay:TapApplePay = .init()
// Set your tap keys if you need to generate TAP token for apple pay raw token
TapApplePay.secretKey = .init(sandbox: "pk_test_Vlk842B1EA7tDN5QbrfGjYzh", production: "pk_live_UYnihb8dtBXm9fDSw1kFlPQA")
// Set your sdk environment if you need to generate TAP token for apple pay raw token
TapApplePay.sdkMode = .sandbox
// Fill in the required data for your transaction to the TapApplePayRequest object [.Amex,.Visa,.MasterCard], paymentItems: [PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "My Best Seller", amount: 10)], paymentAmount: 10, currencyCode: .USD, merchantID:"merchant.tap.gosell")
// PS : you can use the default parameters and just pass the amount and merchant id as follows: 10, merchantID: "merchant.tap.gosell")

// Then you can start the payment authorization process with one call whenever you. want as follows
tapApplePay.authorizePayment(in: self, for: myTapApplePayRequest) { [weak self] (token) in
	print("I can do whatever i want with the result token")

Utilizing TapApplePayButton


import TapApplePayKit_iOS
import enum CommonDataModelsKit_iOS.TapCountryCode
import enum CommonDataModelsKit_iOS.TapCurrencyCode

// Prepare the needed parameters, to adjust them once you need to start the process
let myTapApplePayRequest:TapApplePayRequest = .init()
let tapApplePay:TapApplePay = .init()
// Create the TapApplePayButton by providing the bounds if the uiview holder inside your layoutu
let tapApplePayButton = TapApplePayButton.init(frame: tapApplePayButtonHolder.bounds)

// Then we need to setup the button to provide the needed UI customisation, you can use the default or provide yours.

tapApplePayButton.setup(tapApplePayButtonClicked: { (clickedTapApplePayButton:TapApplePayButton) in
            print("A Tap apple pay button was clicked !")
        }, buttonType: .PayWithApplePay, buttonStyle: .Black)
// PS : You can use the default values and just call:
// Add the Button to your UI

// Provide the data source and the delegate protocols
tapApplePayButton.dataSource = self
tapApplePayButton.delegate   = self

// Implement the delegates and the data sources needed methods
extension ViewController:TapApplePayButtonDataSource,TapApplePayButtonDelegate {
  // You have to return the TapApplePayRequest which we defined up, to start the apple pay process
    var tapApplePayRequest: TapApplePayRequest {
        return myTapApplePayRequest
    func tapApplePayFinished(with tapAppleToken: TapApplePayToken) {
        print("I can do whatever i want with the result token")