We are proud to announce our team's remarkable achievements in the MathWorks Minidrone'22 Competition, showcasing our dedication and excellence in the field. Our team secured the 2nd place in the MENA (Middle East News Agency) Region, claimed the 3rd place in the African continent, and achieved an impressive top 9 ranking in the EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) region.
Explore our team in action on Channel1 Egypt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaYi7ubr_4s
Read more about our success in the Netalm Masry Newspaper: https://ntalm-masry.com/48556/
The whole video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13b4sDyS9MSYSYnpcHLvLCi1hcmF4s7lG/view
Special Thanks to my team members for their effort:.
Ahmed Anwar: [email protected]
Heba Abu khalil: [email protected]
After clonning the repo on your device, make sure to unzip the Work.zip and resources.zip