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cherriae committed Feb 19, 2025
1 parent 30b7207 commit 11df5cf
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Showing 6 changed files with 460 additions and 666 deletions.
199 changes: 111 additions & 88 deletions app/scout/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def add():
if "auto_path" in data:
if isinstance(data["auto_path"], str):
if data["auto_path"].strip():
if data["auto_path"].strip(): # If not empty string
data["auto_path"] = json.loads(data["auto_path"])
data["auto_path"] = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,142 +165,165 @@ def format_team_stats(stats):
def compare_teams():
teams = []
for i in range(1, 4): # Support up to 3 teams
for i in range(1, 4):
if team_num := request.args.get(f'team{i}'):

if len(teams) < 2:
return jsonify({"error": "At least 2 teams are required"}), 400

teams_data = {}
for team_num in teams:
# Add team access filter to pipeline
pipeline = [
{"$match": {"team_number": int(team_num)}},
{"$match": {"team_number": team_num}},
{"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "scouter_id",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "scouter"
{"$unwind": "$scouter"},
# Fix team access filter
{"$match": {
{"$match": {
"$or": [
{"scouter.teamNumber": current_user.teamNumber},
{"scouter._id": ObjectId(current_user.get_id())}
] if current_user.teamNumber else {
"scouter._id": ObjectId(current_user.get_id())
{"scouter.teamNumber": current_user.teamNumber} if current_user.teamNumber else {"scouter._id": ObjectId(current_user.get_id())},
{"scouter._id": ObjectId(current_user.get_id())}
{"$group": {
"_id": "$team_number",
"matches_played": {"$sum": 1},
"avg_auto_coral_level1": {"$avg": "$auto_coral_level1"},
"avg_auto_coral_level2": {"$avg": "$auto_coral_level2"},
"avg_auto_coral_level3": {"$avg": "$auto_coral_level3"},
"avg_auto_coral_level4": {"$avg": "$auto_coral_level4"},
"avg_auto_algae_net": {"$avg": "$auto_algae_net"},
"avg_auto_algae_processor": {"$avg": "$auto_algae_processor"},
"avg_teleop_coral_level1": {"$avg": "$teleop_coral_level1"},
"avg_teleop_coral_level2": {"$avg": "$teleop_coral_level2"},
"avg_teleop_coral_level3": {"$avg": "$teleop_coral_level3"},
"avg_teleop_coral_level4": {"$avg": "$teleop_coral_level4"},
"avg_teleop_algae_net": {"$avg": "$teleop_algae_net"},
"avg_teleop_algae_processor": {"$avg": "$teleop_algae_processor"},
"climb_success_rate": {"$avg": {"$cond": ["$climb_success", 1, 0]}},
"defense_notes": {"$push": "$defense_notes"},
"auto_paths": {"$push": {
"path": "$auto_path",
"notes": "$auto_notes",
"match_number": "$match_number"
"defense_rating": {"$avg": "$defense_rating"},
"preferred_climb_type": {"$last": "$climb_type"},
"matches": {"$push": "$$ROOT"}

stats = list(scouting_manager.db.team_data.aggregate(pipeline))

# Get the 5 most recent matches and convert ObjectId to string
matches = list(scouting_manager.db.team_data.aggregate([
{"$match": {"team_number": int(team_num)}},
"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "scouter_id",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "scouter"
{"$unwind": {
"path": "$scouter",
"preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": True
{"$sort": {"match_number": -1}},
{"$limit": 5},
"$project": {
"_id": 1,
"team_number": 1,
"match_number": 1,
"event_code": 1,
"alliance": 1,
"auto_coral_level1": 1,
"auto_coral_level2": 1,
"auto_coral_level3": 1,
"auto_coral_level4": 1,
"auto_algae_net": 1,
"auto_algae_processor": 1,
"teleop_coral_level1": 1,
"teleop_coral_level2": 1,
"teleop_coral_level3": 1,
"teleop_coral_level4": 1,
"teleop_algae_net": 1,
"teleop_algae_processor": 1,
"climb_type": 1,
"climb_success": 1,
"defense_rating": 1,
"auto_path": 1,
"auto_notes": 1,
"notes": 1,
"scouter_name": "$scouter.username",
"scouter_team": "$scouter.teamNumber",
"profile_picture": "$scouter.profile_picture"

# Convert ObjectId to string in matches
for match in matches:
match['_id'] = str(match['_id'])

# Get team info from TBA
team_key = f"frc{team_num}"
team_info = TBAInterface().get_team(team_key)

# Get auto paths
auto_paths = scouting_manager.get_auto_paths(team_num)

# Calculate normalized stats for radar chart
if stats and stats[0]["matches_played"] > 0:
if stats and stats[0].get("matches_played", 0) > 0:
matches_played = stats[0]["matches_played"]
normalized_stats = {
"auto_scoring": (stats[0]["total_coral"] / matches_played) / 20,
"teleop_scoring": (stats[0]["total_algae"] / matches_played) / 20,
"climb_rating": (stats[0]["successful_climbs"] / matches_played) / 20,
"defense_rating": stats[0]["defense_rating"],
"auto_scoring": (
stats[0]["avg_auto_coral_level1"] +
stats[0]["avg_auto_coral_level2"] * 2 +
stats[0]["avg_auto_coral_level3"] * 3 +
stats[0]["avg_auto_coral_level4"] * 4 +
stats[0]["avg_auto_algae_net"] * 2 +
stats[0]["avg_auto_algae_processor"] * 3
) / 20,
"teleop_scoring": (
stats[0]["avg_teleop_coral_level1"] +
stats[0]["avg_teleop_coral_level2"] * 2 +
stats[0]["avg_teleop_coral_level3"] * 3 +
stats[0]["avg_teleop_coral_level4"] * 4 +
stats[0]["avg_teleop_algae_net"] * 2 +
stats[0]["avg_teleop_algae_processor"] * 3
) / 20,
"climb_rating": stats[0]["climb_success_rate"],
"defense_rating": stats[0]["defense_rating"] / 5 if stats[0].get("defense_rating") else 0
normalized_stats = {
"auto_scoring": 0,
"teleop_scoring": 0,
"climb_rating": 0,
"defense_rating": 0,
"defense_rating": 0

# Convert ObjectId in stats
if stats and '_id' in stats[0]:
stats[0]['_id'] = str(stats[0]['_id'])
# Get team info from TBA
team_key = f"frc{team_num}"
team_info = TBAInterface().get_team(team_key)

# Get the 5 most recent matches
matches_pipeline = [
{"$match": {"team_number": team_num}},
{"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "scouter_id",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "scouter"

{"$match": {
"$or": [
{"scouter.teamNumber": current_user.teamNumber} if current_user.teamNumber else {"scouter._id": ObjectId(current_user.get_id())},
{"scouter._id": ObjectId(current_user.get_id())}
{"$unwind": "$scouter"},
{"$sort": {"match_number": -1}},
{"$limit": 5},
{"$project": {
"match_number": 1,
"alliance": 1,
"auto_coral_level1": 1,
"auto_coral_level2": 1,
"auto_coral_level3": 1,
"auto_coral_level4": 1,
"auto_algae_net": 1,
"auto_algae_processor": 1,
"teleop_coral_level1": 1,
"teleop_coral_level2": 1,
"teleop_coral_level3": 1,
"teleop_coral_level4": 1,
"teleop_algae_net": 1,
"teleop_algae_processor": 1,
"climb_success": 1,
"climb_type": 1,
"auto_path": 1,
"auto_notes": 1,
"defense_rating": 1,
"notes": 1,
"scouter_name": "$scouter.username",
"profile_picture": "$scouter.profile_picture"

matches = list(scouting_manager.db.team_data.aggregate(matches_pipeline))

teams_data[team_num] = {
"team_number": int(team_num),
teams_data[str(team_num)] = {
"team_number": team_num,
"nickname": team_info.get("nickname", "Unknown"),
"school_name": team_info.get("school_name"),
"city": team_info.get("city"),
"state_prov": team_info.get("state_prov"),
"country": team_info.get("country"),
"stats": stats[0] if stats else {},
"normalized_stats": normalized_stats,
"matches": matches,
"auto_paths": auto_paths,
"matches": matches

except Exception as team_error:
teams_data[team_num] = {
"team_number": int(team_num),
current_app.logger.error(f"Error processing team {team_num}: {str(team_error)}", exc_info=True)
teams_data[str(team_num)] = {
"team_number": team_num,
"error": str(team_error)

return json.loads(json_util.dumps(teams_data))

except Exception as e:
current_app.logger.error(f"Error in compare_teams: {str(e)}", exc_info=True)
return jsonify({"error": "An error occurred while comparing teams"}), 500

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