Find out who represents you now, and who else wants to.
# install pyenv, a tool for managing python versions, e.g. on mac with homebrew
# (more info here:
$ shell> brew install pyenv
$ shell> brew install pyenv-virtualenv
# Use pyenv to install the version of Python that you want (heroku runs on 3.6.4)
$ shell> pyenv install 3.6.4
# Create a virtualenv for voter_info
$ shell> pyenv virtualenv 3.6.4 voter_info
# Activate virtualenv
$ shell> pyenv activate voter_info
# (Optional) Set this as default env for this directory so whenever you're in this dir, you use this virtualenv
$ shell> pyenv local voter_info
# Confirm you are running the right python:
$ shell> which python
$ shell> python --version
Python 3.6.4
# Install requirements
$ shell> pip install -r requirements.txt
# e.g. to install with homebrew on macos
$ shell> brew install postgresql
# If you installed postgres with homebrew, make sure you start your local postgres server:
$ bash> brew services start postgresql
On MacOS Ben Mathes has found homebrew helpful, but the is another option for running postgres with postGIS support.
We use the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL). GDAL requires a few extra libraries you cannot install with pip.
With homebrew for mac:
E.g. with homebrew:
$ brew install postgis
$ brew install gdal
$ brew install libgeoip
# Create a database provisioned to your user account
$ shell> createdb voter_info_dev
# create the voter_info_dev database user and grant it permissions on the voter_info_dev DB:
# connect to the voter_info_dev database in postgres:
$ shell> psql voter_info_dev
# create your dev user with a password (only for dev, not used in production).
# if you change the username or password from what is here, be sure to change the 'USER' and 'PASSWORD'
# values in the DATABASES value in $git_root/voter_info/voter_info/
$ psql> create role voter_info_dev_user with login encrypted password 'super_sekrit_dev_pw_1234';
# make sure your database user has access to the dev database:
$ psql> grant all on database voter_info_dev to voter_info_dev_user;
$ shell> python $git_root/voter_info/ dbshell
# TO CREATE YOUR postGIS (geography stuff) EXTENSION:
$ postgres> alter role voter_info_dev_user SUPERUSER;
$ shell> python $git_root/voter_info/ migrate
$ postgres> alter role voter_info_dev_user NOSUPERUSER;
# run the custom command:
& shell> python $git_root/voter_info/ import_shapefiles
# We'll use yarn for package management. The yarn installer will also install node if
# it doesn't find it.
$ brew install yarn
# You will probably want a node version manager if you don't already have one.
# @ericsandine recommends `n`
$ npm install -g n
# Then install the production version of Node
# This command will install it and switch to the version
# You can swap versions by using `n` if needed
$ n 10.9.0
# Now install the current dependencies
$ yarn install
# To install a new package use
$ yarn add <some-some-awesome-package>
# don't forget to have the heroku CLI installed
$ shell> npm install -g heroku
# To run your dev server use heroku, which is compatible with procfiles
# (recall that a procfile is basically a list of commands to run)
$ heroku local -f $git_root/Procfile.local
Django will run on The react dev server will run on (or the next open port) and proxy requests to Django
Every time you create a PR, heroku will kick off a build to see if it can create a server running the version of your PR. You can see the builds here:
install the heroku command line:
# don't forget to have the heroku CLI installed
$ shell> npm install -g heroku
Then follow the guide to get started:
$ shell> heroku login
# confirm your login is part of the TEC:
$ shell> heroku teams
$ shell> heroku apps --team techequity
=== Apps in team techequity
The Heroku CLI defaults to your personal account and requires the --team flag when performing team actions. If you generally work under an organization, you can set the HEROKU_ORGANIZATION environment variable in order to default to that organization.
$ bash> export HEROKU_ORGANIZATION=techequity
$ bash> heroku apps
=== Apps in team techequity