TFG's Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) enables users to avoid the complexity of the Machine Learning model development pipeline yet perform Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Recommendation Systems, Image Classification, Object Detection, and Natural Language Processing, and many more tasks without coding every bit of the pipeline.
Currently, it offers the following services:
- Keyword Extraction: keyBERT, PKE, RAKE, YAKE
- Topic Modelling: Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Hierarchical Dirichlet Process, Non-negative Matrix Factorization
- Sentiment Analysis: Unsupervised- TextBlob, Vader
- Text Summarization: Extractive (spaCy, LSA, Luhn, KL-Sum), Abstractive (T5, BART, GPT-2, XLM Transformers)
- Information Extraction: POS Tagging & Named Entity Recognition (NLTK, spaCy)
A few more will be added soon:
- Image Classification
- Object Detection