Above described repo basically consist of a attractive game made for developers and Students which can bring more and more opportunies to the people in search of a perfect opportunity. It consist of a quiz type game with audio,video and chat options available through which a two individual can communicate. You can play randomly with any person present at a time. Also for each correct answer given ratings are provided according to the level of question. The main aim for these web-app is to make people extrovert and show case their skills to the world which can bring opportunities for them.
Tailwind CSS
The process is very simple if you follow a step by step procedure.
1.On your cmd where you need to save project type "git clone https://github.com/TechLifeEasy/devGame.git" (Alternatively you can also download zip folder)
2.Open in some code editor.
3.Write following commands
cd client
npm install
npm run dev
4. Your client side is now ready to see.
5. Go in any browser and write localhost:8080
Now to run your server write the following commands
1.Write following commands
cd server
npm install
npm run dev
2. Your server side is now ready