- PHP >= 8.0 (with fileinfo and mbstring)
- An EdgeDB server instance (tested with 2.0.5+f78cf34)
Add this package to your project:
$ composer require teddybear06/edgedb-php
This is a complete usage example (or look at https://github.com/TeddyBear06/edgedb-php/tree/main/example/index.php):
// Require Composer's autoloader
require '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Use required classes
use TeddyBear06\EdgeDbPhp\EdgeDbHttpClient;
use TeddyBear06\EdgeDbPhp\EdgeQlQuery;
// Establish a connection with the EdgeDB server instance
$connection = new EdgeDbHttpClient('', '10700', 'edgedb');
// Create an EdgeQL query
$query = new EdgeQlQuery(
'select Author {firstname, lastname} filter .lastname = <str>$lastname;',
['lastname' => 'Doe']
// Execute the query
$response = $connection->query($query);
// If there is no error message
if (is_null($response->getError())) {
// If there is at least 1 result
if ($response->countData() > 0) {
// Loop over results
foreach ($response->getData() as $data) {
echo $data['firstname'];
} else {
// Data set is empty
echo 'No matches found...';
} else {
// Call $response->getError() to get error details
// message, type or code array indexes are available
echo $response->getError()['message'];
For a complete API documentation, please go here : https://teddybear06.github.io/edgedb-php/