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A simple yet powerful C++ command-line tool for compiling, running, and releasing your projects.
Originally called versiontool, this project has evolved into a robust utility that I regularly use to manage my builds and project releases.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Configuration (.versiontool)
  6. Contributing
  7. License


  • Compile and Run: Easily compile your source code and execute it with optional arguments.
  • Release Management: Create a new version release folder along with an optional installer package if an Inno Setup (ISS.iss) file is present.
  • Configuration File: Store file paths, compile commands, aliases, and more in a dedicated .versiontool file.
  • Smart Execution: Automatically detect output file names from common compiler flags (like -o or /out:).
  • Alias Support: Generate .bat alias scripts, making it simpler to call your executable with arguments.
  • Colorful Console Output (Windows): Uses Windows API to enable virtual terminal colors.


  • Operating System: Primarily tested on Windows (uses Windows-specific headers and commands).
  • Compiler: A C++17 (or later) compiler.
  • Inno Setup (optional): Only required if you want to build an installer via release and you have an ISS.iss file.
  • CMake or Visual Studio project (optional): This tool is compiled in any environment supporting standard C++17 or later.

Note: The application depends on Windows console commands (like cmd /c, taskkill, etc.) and certain Windows APIs (like GetModuleFileNameW). It may require additional modifications to work on other platforms.


  1. Clone this Repository

    git clone
    cd version
  2. Build the Executable

    • Using a Visual Studio project: Import the files into your project and build in Release mode.
    • Using CMake (example):
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake ..
      cmake --build . --config Release
    • Or simply compile from the command line (Windows example):
      cl /std:c++17 /EHsc main.cpp /Fe:version.exe
  3. Place the Executable in Your PATH (optional)

    • Copy the generated version.exe to a folder that’s in your system PATH, or
    • Update your PATH environment variable to include the folder where version.exe is located.


Below are the essential commands and options. After building, use version [command] [options].

General Help

version --help

Displays usage instructions, available commands, and options.


version compile [--run/-r] [--args/-a "command args"] [COMMAND]
  • version compile uses the compile command specified in .versiontool by default.
  • --run / -r immediately runs the compiled program.
  • --args / -a passes arguments to the program when running.
  • COMMAND if provided, overrides the default compile command in .versiontool.


version run [PATH_TO_EXE] [ARGS]
  • Runs an executable.
  • If no path is specified, it attempts to run the output from the compile command defined in .versiontool.


version release [VERSION_NAME]
  • Creates a new version directory under Versions/.
  • Compiles the project, copies the compiled binaries and any files/directories listed in .versiontool to the newly created version folder.
  • If an ISS.iss file is present, it updates the version in that file, attempts to build an installer, and copies the resulting -Setup.exe to the new version folder.


version config
  • Displays the contents of your .versiontool config file.
version config --raw
  • Opens .versiontool in your default text editor (attempts VS Code, Vim, and Notepad, in that order).

Configuration (.versiontool)

This tool relies on a config file named .versiontool in the same directory as the executable or in your project’s root folder. It typically contains sections:

  1. Files and directories included in version:
    List every file or directory to copy to the release folder.
    Files and directories included in version:
    [file or folder path 1]
    [file or folder path 2]
  2. Compile command:
    A single line specifying how to compile your project.
    Compile command:
    cl /std:c++17 /EHsc main.cpp /Fe:MyProgram.exe
  3. Alias:
    Each alias line creates a corresponding .bat file in the release folder pointing to your compiled exe.

Note: If .versiontool does not exist, the tool will prompt you to create one.


Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome!

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your feature/fix
  3. Commit your changes and submit a Pull Request

If you find a bug or have a suggestion, feel free to open an issue with details and steps to reproduce.


see License