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How to create a new Render Stage

Daniel Lopez edited this page Apr 4, 2021 · 1 revision

How to create a Render stage

Create a new entry in config.yaml that consists of a few things:

  buffer_frames: 1-9,11-20      # frames 1 through 20 except 10
  force_update: false           # force frame to rerender, even if file exists
  render_output: 'imgs/buffer/' # where to put the output of that file
  engine: CYCLES                # EEVEE support coming soon
  blend_file: scene.blend       # the blend file in question
  render_format: PNG            # what format the output should be in
  blender_flags: ''             # parameters for blender to be used in the docker call

Breakdown of each item

keyword description
scene: the name of the stage
buffer_frames: which frames to ensure exist after this run; comma-separated value, use dashes to denote ranges
(note: this doesn't necessarily mean it will be rendered, just existence ensured)
force_update: force render of frame, even if it exists; overwrites existing file
render_output: output directory to place frames/movie file
engine: CYCLES only for now (note: EEVEE not supported yet)
blend_file: filename inside blender/ to render
render_format: one of the following PNG, JPEG, AVIRAW (note: when rendering in movie format (e.g. AVIRAW), add -a to blender_flag
blender_flags: extra parameters for the blender cli call; please see options here
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