- You will be submitting a video to show your app working and make sure to test all the components used in your app.
- Marks out of 20.
- Late submissions will be penalized by 20% per day.
A video of your app
- Create an app on your choice as a topic that uses the following:
1- An activity that calls another activity and sends data using putExtra.
2- The receiving activity must receive the data and display it somewhere.
3- The receiving activity must also use a notification (e.g. the notification can have the sent data in it is text, or any other data). You may customize the notification the way you lie( text, light, vibration, icon, etc..)
Grading Scheme:
- 5 marks for UI.
- 5 marks for working Menu.
- 5 marks for working Fragment [must be accessible(seen)].
- 5 marks for creativity and overall quality.
Any similarities will be penalized and receiving zeros/20.