To run:
1. npm install
2. npm start // runs the app with Basic Auth enabled (user:pass as credentials)
GET /health Returns "UP" with status code 200 when service is running. Useful to test authentication and service status.
GET /market/rate/<token_in>/<token_out>
GET /server/status
GET /wallet/create/<network?> Optional network parameter, use "main" for production Terra network, if not passed it defaults to testnet.
GET /wallet/balance/<wallet_addr>/<network?> see above.
GET /wallet/validate_addr/<wallet_addr>
POST /wallet/restore
E.g. payload:
"mnemonic":"reject govern sort strategy hunt lunar crunch suspect rain essay maid pill horse main usage term near shock drastic gauge dad belt normal chronic"
POST /wallet/send[/preview]
E.g. payload:
"memo":"this a gift for f0go",
"fee_token" "uluna",
"mnemonic":"reject govern sort strategy hunt lunar crunch suspect rain essay maid pill horse main usage term near shock drastic gauge dad belt normal chronic"
POST /wallet/swap[/preview]
E.g. payload:
"memo":"swapping in the hood",
"fee_token": "uusd",
"mnemonic": "rough simple snap arrest jazz region people combine abuse coyote use camera second parent mimic smile empower daring guess bacon enlist nose anchor spatial",
POST /anchor/deposit
E.g. payload:
"mnemonic": "reject govern sort strategy hunt lunar crunch suspect rain essay maid pill horse main usage term near shock drastic gauge dad belt normal chronic",
POST /anchor/withdraw
E.g. payload:
"mnemonic": "reject govern sort strategy hunt lunar crunch suspect rain essay maid pill horse main usage term near shock drastic gauge dad belt normal chronic",
POST /anchor/balance POST /anchor/market
E.g. payload:
"mnemonic": "reject govern sort strategy hunt lunar crunch suspect rain essay maid pill horse main usage term near shock drastic gauge dad belt normal chronic"