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MPU6050 demo application

This is a demo application for the libmpu6050 driver.

You can attach the sensor to the RPi, install, and run the demo.

TODO: investigate aliasing bug

What you can do with it

  • Get raw sensor data
  • Get orientation estimation from sensor data

Building, installing, removing

You must build inside the Raspberry Pi 3.

  1. Install the depedendencies:

libi2c - runtime dependecy libi2c-dev - make dependecy pandoc - make dependency for documentation

pi@pi ~ $> sudo apt update 
pi@pi ~ $> sudo apt install libi2c libi2c-dev pandoc
  1. Clone with --recurse-submodules
  2. Make and install the modules
  3. Make and install the application
  4. You should have installed limbpu6050, libmtx and mpu6050-demo
pi@pi ~ $> mkdir repo && cd repo
pi@pi ~/repo $> git clone --recurse-submodules
pi@pi ~/repo $> cd mpu6050
pi@pi ~/repo/mpu6050 $> make modules 
pi@pi ~/repo/mpu6050 $> make modules_install
pi@pi ~/repo/mpu6050 $> make
pi@pi ~/repo/mpu6050 $> make install
  1. To remove:
pi@pi ~/repo/mpu6050 $> make modules_uninstall
pi@pi ~/repo/mpu6050 $> make uninstall



$> mpu6050-demo --reset --calibrate --arange=2 --grange=250 --dlpf=0 --rate=100

NOTE: While calibrating, let sensor rest leveled for approximately 10s.

Useful command line options:

  • --reset Reset sensor settings and calibration

  • --arange=[2|4|8|16] Set Accelerometers range in +-G's (standard gravity multiples)

  • --grange=[250|500|1000|2000] Set Gyroscopes range in +-dps (degrees per second)

  • --dplf=[0-6] Set Embedded Digital Low Pass Filter

  • --rate=[50|100|200] - Set Sampling Rate in Hz (samples per second)

  • --calibrate Perform a very basic calibration routine

  • --quiet Supress output to local terminal


Contributions are welcome on github, on three channels: