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Adding an Area

b5635 edited this page Jun 3, 2023 · 11 revisions

This page lists the variables that can be applied to an area.

Variables names are case-sensitive. Not all variables are listed here.

Variable Name Type Description
ambush Integer If set to 1, ambushes will apply to an area. Only variables random1-6 will be considered for spawns
link{number} String Links different areas for reset. Example: if you have link1: goblin0 and link2: goblin1, the area will not reset if there are players inside the area with the tag goblin0 and goblin1
climate String Controls weather for an area. Possible values: moderate, jungle, polar, desert, highland
cr Integer The challenge rating of an area, influences loot and treasure earned in the area
explored Integer If set to 1, map is automatically explored for players and no exploration data is saved
horse Integer If set to 1, allows horses to be ridden in the area
enter_script String Script that is applied on the area whenever a player enters
refresh_script String Script that is applied whenever the area refreshes