BootsFaces v1.2.0 - Enhancements and Bug Fix Release
BootsFaces v1.2.0 - New Year's Eve - Enhancements and Bug Fix Release
Our team is really proud to announce the release of BootsFaces v1.2.0 !
In this release we focused mainly on some enhancements to the framework and a lot of bug fixes, but we also included two new Components!
Another feature is including a Java 9 build and publishing the Java 8 jar as the recommended jar, instead of the one compiled for Java 6, since Java 6 and 7 reached End of Life.
You will find jars for JRE 6 to 9 , the Java 8 being the one without jre in the name and you can still build the library for Java 6 to 9 JRE.
However, we could drop the jre6 and jre7 jars from the build in a future version.
Enjoy and stay tuned for exciting new releases next Year!
New Features
Updated Gradle Build to make the library compile and work with Java 9 ( #887 )
New Components
Feature Request - b:link, b:commandLink ( #453 )
Add a server-side option to define which datatable rows are selected ( #836 )
Add more flexible CSS styling options for b:progressbar ( #850 )
Add show row as selected DataTable Missing Feature ( #856 )
Bug Fixes
Fix b:slider has a negative indent bug confirmed ( #770 )
Fixed: b:touchSpin onstopspin doesn't call ajax? ( #812 )
Regard hidden (rendered="false"
) column correctly when collecting the column infos of b:dataTable (#875 and #848)
Fixed an error that happened with b:inputText
if the referenced value is null ( #851 )
Fixed: tabs damage usage of file upload ( #855 )
Fixed the broken search expressions @parent:@next
and @parent:@previous
( #857 )
AddResourcesHandler adds resources in wrong order - BootsFaces 1.2.0 ( #863 )
Added the attributes style
and style-class
to b:growl
( #864 )
Fixed accordion: expanded-panels not working ( #873 )
Remove unsafe deserialization from ( #880 )
Fixed the ondtchange
event handle of b.dateTimePicker
( #886)
Confirmed the library compiles and works with Java 9 ( #887 )
Prevent commandButtons from submitting a form in AJAX mode ( #893 )
Solved a bug concerning AJAX and the fieldId
of b:inputText
( #896 )
Allow developers to put custom jquery into a subfolder (#897)
BlockUI always enabled just by importing the library ( #790 )