- Game written in OOP Python.
- GUI made in tkinter library.
- PEP8 standard used (mostly) for easier code reading and editing.
- Was 'micmarty' very first Python project.
- Make sure you have Python installed(version 3 is preffered -> I tested it on 3.5.2 and it worked like a charm)
- Install tkinter library
$ sudo apt install python3-tk
- Type in terminal/console:
$ python3 World.py
no rules, it's a sandbox or a simulation
- There are 9 creatures.
- Each one has its own attributes, like:
- initiative - decides who moves first
example: Fox is smarter, so he moves first, then Turtle, etc.
- strength - the stronger the animal is, the more enemies it can defeat
- age - if there are two animals with the same initiative, older one moves first.
what animal species does: they move around, reproduce themselves, kill each other and eat plants
what plants does they just spread around the map and make no moves
Plant | icon | desciption |
Grass | just grows, useless | |
Sow thistle | takes 3 attempts to spread somewhere | |
Guarana | once eaten gives +3 strength | |
Deadly nightshade | kills if eaten |
- You can SAVE game into file (txt), and then LOAD it
- There are 2 boxes, that informs you about events (killing, eating, reproducing)
- You don't need to click 'NextRound' button, just press ENTER
- MAGIC PEN, hover with mouse at some field. Randomly generated organism will appear.
- adapt to new PEP rules
- review old code to clean it up
- review the interface to make it more attractive
- add a timer to make the game step automatically
- rename icons from polish to english
- maybe use PyGame