A simulation of RA83 with 10 containers (running a simple django server) as 10 nodes, and a watchdog server to watch the evolution of the algorithm.
- Docker
- Django
- Django Channels
- Redis
Build the 'ra83-server' image using dockerfile 'RA83D/Dockerfile'
docker build --rm -t ra83-server:latest RA83D/.
in /ra83_watchdog : migrate and create a superuser
python manage.py migrate python manage.py createsuperuser
Install Redis and start redis-server
Run the Django server 'ra83_watchdog' on port 8000:
python manage.py runserver
create 10 worker instances using django admin
Deploy the containers: run 'RA83D/start_servers.py'
python RA83D/start_servers.py
visit http://localhost:8000 :