Placement Portal Project made by Squids team :
This android app allows companies to post jobs and students to apply to these jobs through a simple process.
However, these applications have to be seen and approved by the CCD to be able to be viewed by the other party. This feature prevents spamming by companies or students.
The companies and students have profiles on which they can give their contact info and profile pictures, which can be viewed by the other parties and the CCD.
All the postings and applications that are yet to be approved or rejected are displayed to the CCD. The rest are removed to avoid confusion.
The jobs offers are only displayed to the relevant students as specified in the offer itself. This includes details like branch, CPI cutoff etc. As it is shown below, student one can only see 1 job offer from ironhide, and the other job from ironhide and the approved job offer from durax are hidden from him.
The companies can view the applications only after they have been approved by the CCD.
The companies/students also have an option of uploading a brochure/resume along with their job offers/applications.