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[CC MYS] First Meeting 20th March 2021

Jean F. Queralt edited this page Mar 22, 2021 · 3 revisions


The following are the Minutes taken during the First Meeting of the newly officially constituted CC Malaysian Chapter.

Quick summary

  • First Meeting was held hosted online as part of the monthly TechUp event from The IO Foundation.
  • Elections were held for the 2 main positions
  • The CC Malaysian Chapter is officially constituted



The First Meeting starts at 14:00 as scheduled. Presents are

  • Isaac Adams
  • Suma Parahakaran
  • Chin Chee Keong
  • Nicolas Ten
  • Jean F. Queralt

Note: Efforts have been invested in contacting previous members of the local CC movement as well as a wider community through contacts and social media. The participants consider that is noteworthy that, for instance, 33 people confirmed their presence via LinkedIn and yet none of them showed up.

Review meeting agenda

Agenda is reviewed as previously published.


Code of Conduct + Dhatham House Rule

The temporary Code of Conduct is mentioned as well as Dhatam House Rule to foster a participative yet secure environment.

Designate a note taker

Jean F. Queralt is designated note taker, who will also conduct the session. It is hoped that for following chapter meetings a Secretary and a Note Taker be appointed. Consent is given by all participants to record the session. It is the intention of the Chapter to record all official sessions to ensure transparency in its processes.

Introductions + roll call

Everyone present proceeds to introduce oneself.

Discuss work of the Chapter

The role of the CC Malaysia Chapter is explained to the participants. Emphasis is made on enabling the Chapter to work on general CC knowledge as well as Digital Global Literacy.

Review highlights of the Strategy, Charter, Chapter Guidelines, and Codes of Conduct

The participants agree to:

  • Dedicate 2021 to establish and consolidate the Chapter
  • Work on in-Chapter training
  • Inquiry the GNC about training possibilities or then develop them internally
  • Work on awareness of the Chapter across the 2021's Areas of Interest (see below)
  • Set the following KPI: 40 Chapter members our of which 10 members are actively participating
  • Run follow-up Chapter meetings during the months of April and May (hosted by TechUp) to ensure that the Chapter starts adequately

Concerning the Chapter's Charter, the participants agree to:

  • Use the CC Brazil Chapter as base document (to be translated) and add/complement the necessary
  • Make the Charter easily accessible in case it should be of use for other Chapters
  • Ensure that it covers
    • Mission + Vision
    • Terms positions
    • SocMed policy (Media in general)
    • Finance procedures
    • Media Kit
    • Membership procedures
    • Partnership procedures
    • Calendar of activities

Identify substantive areas of interest

The participants agree to focus on the following areas for 2021:

  • Technology
  • Research & Academia
  • Art (subject to some member related to this area joins the Chapter)

Identify any important and/or sensitive work already underway in Malaysia and persons on point for those efforts

Efforts to contact previous engaged individuals and organizations in Creative Commons, are not yield any positive response to this date. It would appear that no significant activities are currently being conducted in Malaysia.

The following media channels have been identified and will be used to reach out to their participants:

It is also agreed to reach out to the following government organizations:

  • MDEC

Propose activities 2021

The participants agree to develop the following activities for the remaining 9 months of 2021:

  • Events Capacity Building
  • At least one official Chapter meeting online (to be held under Techup)
  • Evaluate if if a CC online conference would be possible by year (evaluation to take place in April Chapter meeting)

Identify relevant stakeholders

The participants agree to the following list of potential partners/stakeholders

  • MDEC
  • NGOs
  • Universities (ALSA MY)
  • MCMC
  • Arts & Culture Ministry (MyCreativeVenture)

Contacts will be initiated by the Chapter Lead once we have all the necessary communication infrastructure.


Setting the terms

All participants agree to the following:

  • Elected members of the Chapter will have terms of 2 years
  • The Charter will include some form of annual evaluation

The following idea is to be discussed/refined and, if approved, incorporated in the Charter:

  • Positions in the Chapter will be divided between Management (Chapter Lead + GNC Representative + Secretary?) & Administration + Production
  • All will have a term of 2 years (24 months)
  • To ensure smooth transitions, both groups will always overlap during one full year (12) months
  • Therefore Management would run elections every X+2 years while Administration + Production would run elections the year after

Chapter Lead

The participants proceed to vote the Chapter Lead. And option of Abstention is offered to ensure proper expression of vote. The elected candidate is Suma Suma Parahakaran, who will exercise his term from April 2021 to December 2022.

GNC Representative

The participants proceed to vote the GNC Representative. And option of Abstention is offered to ensure proper expression of vote. The elected candidate is Jean F. Queralt, who will exercise his term from April 2021 to December 2022.

Vote results


NOTE: The Chapter expresses its intention on identifying a more suitable platform for voting other than Google Forms.

Identify other org needs & positions

The participants agree to work on developing and establishing the following positions:

  • Coordinator (Secretary?)
  • Events Coordinator
  • Partners Coordinator
  • Community manager
  • Social media manager
  • HR Coordinator
  • Website/Media manager

Chapter processes and coordination

Chapter Statutes

The participants agree to work on the following processes:

  • Establish a draft Chapter Charter
  • Define clearly the elections system and its terms
  • Define a Media Policy
  • Reflect procedures to ensure Meetings & Notes/Recording made available
  • Establish a proper Onboarding procedure

How to communicate

The participants agree to work in establishing the following communication channels:

  • Website + Twitter + LinkedIn + Facebook
    • Work with the GNC to reclaim the existing SocMed channels
    • Work with the GNC to set the Chapter website (Wordpress)
  • Email address >> Domain?
    • Determine with the GNC what are the available options
  • Slack: CCMalaysia > Channel >> Request the GNC if our Chapter could have a dedicated channel otherwise set our own workspace

Setting a Media Policy

The participants agree to create a proposal for Media Policy based on TIOF's Media Policy to be reviewed next meeting.

Next steps

  • Submit these Minutes to the GNC
  • Collaborate with the GNC to any next steps, including website and SocMed accounts
  • Work on above described items and prepare them for the April Chapter Meeting session

Kuala Lumpur 23 March 2021 Jean F. Queralt