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Jean F. Queralt edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 17 revisions

NOTE: Welcome to the TIOF wiki! This section will be used for technical reference on TIOF's projects and is currently a work in progress.


Table of Contents

  1. History

  2. TIOF Principles

  3. Engaged Individuals

  4. Partner Network

  5. Awards

  6. External Data Sources

  7. Acknowledgments

  8. Attributions


Project Lockdown was born as an organic response to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Not being able to find the information they were searching for, a member of The IO Foundation posted a technical question on Code for All about mapping data and soon after a first prototype was developed. What started as an idea has transformed into a very active initiative bringing together dozens of engaged individuals and organizations, forming a team of over 50 citizens passionate about the future of Human and Digital Rights worldwide.

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Project Principles


Ensure the observance of Human and Digital Rights through the analysis of worldwide policies.


A world where Project Lockdown is not needed.


Project Lockdown delivers its mission through the observance of the following values:

  • Community
    Because upholding Human and Digital Rights is a global endeavor that requires the active participation of everyone.

  • Accountability
    Because for a project of this nature to be reliable and meaningful, it requires
          - that its data is of high quality and fully transparent in its sources, methodology and representation
          - that it provides adequate means of community feedback

  • Impact
    Because we recognize the importance of preserving and protecting our own Rights through public awareness by inspiring organizations and individuals to be active agents of change.

Engaged Individuals

Project Lockdown is made possible by the collaboration of a number of organizations and individuals.

Using a number of volunteer recruitment platforms, over 100 individuals have participated in the initiative, of which more than 50 are currently active. A Credits page is under development.

Please note that some of our Editors prefer to remain anonymous. There are many reasons why they may wish to do so and we respect their decision. Consider that in some instances some people may consider their personal safety, and those around them, in jeopardy.

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Partner Network

Project Lockdown has created a network of partner organizations that actively collaborate in a diverse range of areas.

The IO Foundation The IO Foundation

The IO Foundation (TIOF)is a global non-profit organization advocating for Data-Centric Digital Rights. Born from a fundamental concern about the state of Digital Rights in the world, its mission is to promote, protect and provide solutions for Digital Rights, thus aiming to bridge technological and humanitarian perspectives. As data becomes an increasingly powerful economic, political, and social force, programmers are becoming the next generation of human rights defenders. There remains, however, a limited international understanding of the impact of technology on human rights. Following its vision of a world where Human Rights and Digital Rights are one and the same, TIOF aims to raise awareness of the importance of Digital Rights in collaboration with other organizations, both from civil society and bodies of governance.

Code for All Code for All

Code for All is an international network of civic tech organizations that drive change through digital technology, citizen participation, collaborative decision-making and good governance to deliver solutions for social challenges while improving the relationship between governments and citizens.

The network enables individual organizations to scale by leveraging international resources, sharing expertise and promoting shared funding to tackle social issues collectively. Our diversity allows for varied approaches and solutions, while motivating alternative and modern methods for government.

Code for NLCode for NL

Code for NL is a member of the Code for All network and a key stakeholder in the initial development of Project Lockdown.

Netmission Netmission

Supported by DotAsia Organisation, NetMission.Asia is an initiative designed to empower young minds and to constructively contribute to the local, regional and global Internet governance discourse through organizing the Hong Kong Youth Internet Governance Forum (HKyIGF), international conferences and community projects. NetMission.Asia has been actively participating in various Internet conferences both regionally and globally, including ICANN meetings, IGF, APrIGF, Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy (APIGA) and the Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp (APNG Camp) among others.

Open Development Mekong Open Development Mekong

Open Development Initiative (ODI), a project of East-West Management Institute (EWMI), stimulates public demand, builds coalitions, and offers a constantly evolving platform to support the transparent sharing and analysis of data to improve and inform constructive dialogue and decision-making for sustainable and equitable development.

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External Data Sources

[Work In Progress]

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Project Lockdown participated in the EU vs Virus Hackathon organized by the European Commission on April 24-26 2020 where it emerged as a Challenge Winner.

After successfully participating in the EU vs Virus Matchathon, where it fared as one of the the Top 10 projects per successful pledges, the initiative is now a member of the COVID-19 Challenge Platform created by the European Innovation Council to further support the winning projects.

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The IO Foundation would like to thank the following organizations for their support in the development of Project Lockdown.

Mapbox Netlify Internews Figma Cloudflare National Democratic Institute
Mapbox Netlify Internews Figma Cloudflare National Democratic Institute
Kualo Zapier Dataedo Postman BASAAS hotjar
Kualo Zapier Dataedo Postman BASAAS hotjar
Time is Ltd. ZenHub European Innovation Council POEditor
Time is Ltd. ZenHub European Innovation Council POEditor

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The following resources have been used across Project Lockdown.

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