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feat: bump up fabric example react-native Android #3957


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@yungblud yungblud commented Jun 30, 2024



  • Trying to implement Fabric iOS and Android but couldn't test fabric in RN 0.71.6


  • Nothing has been changed except for bumping up with react-native-upgrade-helper
  • this PR was checked out from coldsurfers:feat/rn-bump-up-fabric-example-ios branch, so suggest review this PR after merge this PR
  • turned off buildDir settings in android/build.gradle for correct codegen location 62ec8d7

Test plan

First, add this on package.json (root dir)

"codegenConfig": {
        "name": "RCTVideo",
        "type": "components",
        "jsSrcsDir": "./src/specs"

and paste this code fragment exactly same to src/specs/VideoNativeComponent.ts

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
import type {HostComponent, ViewProps} from 'react-native';
import {NativeModules} from 'react-native';
import type {
} from 'react-native/Libraries/Types/CodegenTypes';
import codegenNativeComponent from 'react-native/Libraries/Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';

// -------- There are types for native component (future codegen) --------
// if you are looking for types for react component, see src/types/video.ts

type Headers = ReadonlyArray<
    key: string;
    value: string;

type VideoMetadata = Readonly<{
  title?: string;
  subtitle?: string;
  description?: string;
  imageUri?: string;

export type VideoSrc = Readonly<{
  uri?: string;
  isNetwork?: boolean;
  isAsset?: boolean;
  shouldCache?: boolean;
  type?: string;
  mainVer?: Int32;
  patchVer?: Int32;
  requestHeaders?: Headers;
  startPosition?: Float;
  cropStart?: Float;
  cropEnd?: Float;
  metadata?: VideoMetadata;
  textTracksAllowChunklessPreparation?: boolean; // android

type DRMType = WithDefault<string, 'widevine'>;

type DebugConfig = Readonly<{
  enable?: boolean;
  thread?: boolean;

type Drm = Readonly<{
  type?: DRMType;
  licenseServer?: string;
  headers?: Headers;
  contentId?: string; // ios
  certificateUrl?: string; // ios
  base64Certificate?: boolean; // ios default: false
  useExternalGetLicense?: boolean; // ios

type TextTracks = ReadonlyArray<
    title: string;
    language: string;
    type: string;
    uri: string;

type SelectedTextTrackType = WithDefault<string, 'system'>;

type SelectedAudioTrackType = WithDefault<string, 'system'>;

type SelectedTextTrack = Readonly<{
  type?: SelectedTextTrackType;
  value?: string;

type SelectedAudioTrack = Readonly<{
  type?: SelectedAudioTrackType;
  value?: string;

type SelectedVideoTrackType = WithDefault<string, 'auto'>;

type SelectedVideoTrack = Readonly<{
  type?: SelectedVideoTrackType;
  value?: string;

export type Seek = Readonly<{
  time: Float;
  tolerance?: Float;

type BufferConfigLive = Readonly<{
  maxPlaybackSpeed?: Float;
  minPlaybackSpeed?: Float;
  maxOffsetMs?: Int32;
  minOffsetMs?: Int32;
  targetOffsetMs?: Int32;

type BufferingStrategyType = WithDefault<string, 'Default'>;

type BufferConfig = Readonly<{
  minBufferMs?: Float;
  maxBufferMs?: Float;
  bufferForPlaybackMs?: Float;
  bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferMs?: Float;
  maxHeapAllocationPercent?: Float;
  backBufferDurationMs?: Float; // Android
  minBackBufferMemoryReservePercent?: Float;
  minBufferMemoryReservePercent?: Float;
  cacheSizeMB?: Float;
  live?: BufferConfigLive;

type SubtitleStyle = Readonly<{
  fontSize?: Float;
  paddingTop?: WithDefault<Float, 0>;
  paddingBottom?: WithDefault<Float, 0>;
  paddingLeft?: WithDefault<Float, 0>;
  paddingRight?: WithDefault<Float, 0>;
  opacity?: WithDefault<Float, 1>;

type OnLoadData = Readonly<{
  currentTime: Float;
  duration: Float;
  naturalSize: Readonly<{
    width: Float;
    height: Float;
    orientation: WithDefault<string, 'landscape'>;
  audioTracks: {
    index: Int32;
    title?: string;
    language?: string;
    bitrate?: Float;
    type?: string;
    selected?: boolean;
  textTracks: {
    index: Int32;
    title?: string;
    language?: string;
     * iOS only supports VTT, Android supports all 3
    type?: WithDefault<string, 'srt'>;
    selected?: boolean;

export type OnLoadStartData = Readonly<{
  isNetwork: boolean;
  type: string;
  uri: string;

export type OnVideoAspectRatioData = Readonly<{
  width: Float;
  height: Float;

export type OnBufferData = Readonly<{isBuffering: boolean}>;

export type OnProgressData = Readonly<{
  currentTime: Float;
  playableDuration: Float;
  seekableDuration: Float;

export type OnBandwidthUpdateData = Readonly<{
  bitrate: Int32;
  width?: Float;
  height?: Float;
  trackId?: Int32;

export type OnSeekData = Readonly<{
  currentTime: Float;
  seekTime: Float;

export type OnPlaybackStateChangedData = Readonly<{
  isPlaying: boolean;

export type OnTimedMetadataData = Readonly<{
  metadata: {
    value?: string;
    identifier: string;

export type OnAudioTracksData = Readonly<{
  audioTracks: {
    index: Int32;
    title?: string;
    language?: string;
    bitrate?: Float;
    type?: string;
    selected?: boolean;

type OnTextTracksData = Readonly<{
  textTracks: {
    index: Int32;
    title?: string;
    language?: string;
     * iOS only supports VTT, Android supports all 3
    type?: WithDefault<string, 'srt'>;
    selected?: boolean;

export type OnTextTrackDataChangedData = Readonly<{
  subtitleTracks: string;

export type OnVideoTracksData = Readonly<{
  videoTracks: {
    index: Int32;
    tracksId?: string;
    codecs?: string;
    width?: Float;
    height?: Float;
    bitrate?: Float;
    selected?: boolean;

export type OnPlaybackRateChangeData = Readonly<{
  playbackRate: Float;

export type OnVolumeChangeData = Readonly<{
  volume: Float;

export type OnExternalPlaybackChangeData = Readonly<{
  isExternalPlaybackActive: boolean;

export type OnGetLicenseData = Readonly<{
  licenseUrl: string;
  loadedLicenseUrl: string;
  contentId: string;
  spcBase64: string;

export type OnPictureInPictureStatusChangedData = Readonly<{
  isActive: boolean;

type OnReceiveAdEventData = Readonly<{
  data?: {};
  event: WithDefault<string, 'AD_BREAK_ENDED'>;

export type OnVideoErrorData = Readonly<{
  error: Readonly<{
    errorString?: string; // android
    errorException?: string; // android
    errorStackTrace?: string; // android
    errorCode?: string; // android
    error?: string; // ios
    code?: Int32; // ios
    localizedDescription?: string; // ios
    localizedFailureReason?: string; // ios
    localizedRecoverySuggestion?: string; // ios
    domain?: string; // ios
  target?: Int32; // ios

export type OnAudioFocusChangedData = Readonly<{
  hasAudioFocus: boolean;

type ControlsStyles = Readonly<{
  hideSeekBar?: boolean;
  seekIncrementMS?: Float;

export type OnControlsVisibilityChange = Readonly<{
  isVisible: boolean;

export interface VideoNativeProps extends ViewProps {
  src?: VideoSrc;
  drm?: Drm;
  adTagUrl?: string;
  allowsExternalPlayback?: boolean; // ios, true
  maxBitRate?: Float;
  resizeMode?: WithDefault<string, 'none'>;
  repeat?: boolean;
  automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling?: boolean;
  textTracks?: TextTracks;
  selectedTextTrack?: SelectedTextTrack;
  selectedAudioTrack?: SelectedAudioTrack;
  selectedVideoTrack?: SelectedVideoTrack; // android
  paused?: boolean;
  muted?: boolean;
  controls?: boolean;
  filter?: WithDefault<string, ''>;
  filterEnabled?: boolean;
  volume?: Float; // default 1.0
  playInBackground?: boolean;
  preventsDisplaySleepDuringVideoPlayback?: boolean;
  preferredForwardBufferDuration?: Float; //ios, 0
  playWhenInactive?: boolean; // ios, false
  pictureInPicture?: boolean; // ios, false
  ignoreSilentSwitch?: WithDefault<string, 'inherit'>; // ios, 'inherit'
  mixWithOthers?: WithDefault<string, 'inherit'>; // ios, 'inherit'
  rate?: Float;
  fullscreen?: boolean; // ios, false
  fullscreenAutorotate?: boolean;
  fullscreenOrientation?: WithDefault<string, 'all'>;
  progressUpdateInterval?: Float;
  restoreUserInterfaceForPIPStopCompletionHandler?: boolean;
  localSourceEncryptionKeyScheme?: string;
  debug?: DebugConfig;
  showNotificationControls?: WithDefault<boolean, false>; // Android, iOS
  bufferConfig?: BufferConfig; // Android
  contentStartTime?: Int32; // Android
  currentPlaybackTime?: Double; // Android
  disableDisconnectError?: boolean; // Android
  focusable?: boolean; // Android
  hideShutterView?: boolean; //	Android
  minLoadRetryCount?: Int32; // Android
  reportBandwidth?: boolean; //Android
  subtitleStyle?: SubtitleStyle; // android
  useTextureView?: boolean; // Android
  useSecureView?: boolean; // Android
  bufferingStrategy?: BufferingStrategyType; // Android
  controlsStyles?: ControlsStyles; // Android
  onControlsVisibilityChange?: DirectEventHandler<OnControlsVisibilityChange>;
  onVideoLoad?: DirectEventHandler<OnLoadData>;
  onVideoLoadStart?: DirectEventHandler<OnLoadStartData>;
  onVideoAspectRatio?: DirectEventHandler<OnVideoAspectRatioData>;
  onVideoBuffer?: DirectEventHandler<OnBufferData>;
  onVideoError?: DirectEventHandler<OnVideoErrorData>;
  onVideoProgress?: DirectEventHandler<OnProgressData>;
  onVideoBandwidthUpdate?: DirectEventHandler<OnBandwidthUpdateData>;
  onVideoSeek?: DirectEventHandler<OnSeekData>;
  onVideoEnd?: DirectEventHandler<{}>; // all
  onVideoAudioBecomingNoisy?: DirectEventHandler<{}>;
  onVideoFullscreenPlayerWillPresent?: DirectEventHandler<{}>; // ios, android
  onVideoFullscreenPlayerDidPresent?: DirectEventHandler<{}>; // ios, android
  onVideoFullscreenPlayerWillDismiss?: DirectEventHandler<{}>; // ios, android
  onVideoFullscreenPlayerDidDismiss?: DirectEventHandler<{}>; // ios, android
  onReadyForDisplay?: DirectEventHandler<{}>;
  onPlaybackRateChange?: DirectEventHandler<OnPlaybackRateChangeData>; // all
  onVolumeChange?: DirectEventHandler<OnVolumeChangeData>; // android, ios
  onVideoExternalPlaybackChange?: DirectEventHandler<OnExternalPlaybackChangeData>;
  onGetLicense?: DirectEventHandler<OnGetLicenseData>;
  onPictureInPictureStatusChanged?: DirectEventHandler<OnPictureInPictureStatusChangedData>;
  onRestoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop?: DirectEventHandler<{}>;
  onReceiveAdEvent?: DirectEventHandler<OnReceiveAdEventData>;
  onVideoPlaybackStateChanged?: DirectEventHandler<OnPlaybackStateChangedData>; // android only
  onVideoIdle?: DirectEventHandler<{}>; // android only (nowhere in document, so do not use as props. just type declaration)
  onAudioFocusChanged?: DirectEventHandler<OnAudioFocusChangedData>; // android only (nowhere in document, so do not use as props. just type declaration)
  onTimedMetadata?: DirectEventHandler<OnTimedMetadataData>; // ios, android
  onAudioTracks?: DirectEventHandler<OnAudioTracksData>; // android
  onTextTracks?: DirectEventHandler<OnTextTracksData>; // android
  onTextTrackDataChanged?: DirectEventHandler<OnTextTrackDataChangedData>; // iOS
  onVideoTracks?: DirectEventHandler<OnVideoTracksData>; // android

export type VideoComponentType = HostComponent<VideoNativeProps>;

export type VideoSaveData = {
  uri: string;

export interface VideoManagerType {
  save: (option: object, reactTag: number) => Promise<VideoSaveData>;
  seek: (option: Seek, reactTag: number) => Promise<void>;
  setPlayerPauseState: (paused: boolean, reactTag: number) => Promise<void>;
  setLicenseResult: (
    result: string,
    licenseUrl: string,
    reactTag: number,
  ) => Promise<void>;
  setLicenseResultError: (
    error: string,
    licenseUrl: string,
    reactTag: number,
  ) => Promise<void>;
  setVolume: (volume: number, reactTag: number) => Promise<void>;
  getCurrentPosition: (reactTag: number) => Promise<number>;
  setFullScreen: (fullScreen: boolean, reactTag: number) => Promise<void>;

export interface VideoDecoderPropertiesType {
  getWidevineLevel: () => Promise<number>;
  isCodecSupported: (
    mimeType: string,
    width: number,
    height: number,
  ) => Promise<'unsupported' | 'hardware' | 'software'>;
  isHEVCSupported: () => Promise<'unsupported' | 'hardware' | 'software'>;

export const VideoManager = NativeModules.VideoManager as VideoManagerType;
export const VideoDecoderProperties =
  NativeModules.VideoDecoderProperties as VideoDecoderPropertiesType;

export default codegenNativeComponent<VideoNativeProps>(
) as VideoComponentType;

Lastly, before build or gradle sync android of FabricExample,
run next command to generate codegen for android in FabricExample/android directory.
./gradlew generateCodegenArtifactsFromSchema

@@ -117,8 +117,6 @@ android {
exclude "**/libreact_render*.so"

buildDir 'buildOutput_' + configStringPath
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Is this necessary really necessary ? The idea of this path configuration is to avoid cleaning project after enabling or disabling a build option...

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I think it's necessary for using New Architecture by react-native.
If I don't remove this buildDir 'buildOutput_' + configStringPath settings, I get this error when I gradle sync in Android Studio.
Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10 04 29 PM
Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10 04 37 PM

I think react-native's settings are the main issue, but I think it would be easier to follow their pre-setup path for codegen.

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So that screenshot means, react-native is finding out ./android/build/generated/source/codegen/jni/ but we only have wrong path because buildDir setting. (such as buildOutput_6777172ada0eb850223426c62199b5ab)
Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 10 06 15 PM

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So what is the main purpose of set up buildDir 'buildOutput_' + configStringPath in build.gradle?

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We use it in order to make "clean" build each time we change some android config (eg. extensions like IMA or exo-player)

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So, I have a plan for resolving this issue.

If buildDir is the only reason that we cannot merge this PR, my idea is like this.

First, revert this commit 62ec8d7

I think we can test Android Fabric without removing buildDir in build.gradle.
And let's consider buildDir later when Fabric implementation is almost done for Android.

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I've pushed revert commit
Revert "feat: 🔥 turn off buildDir setting in android/build.gradle for…

Can you have a check my opinions? @freeboub

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Sound good to me
btw now I understand why you want to remove it - I will do some research if we can "clean" build each time we change some android config in other way

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@KrzysztofMoch happy that you got my situation!
Your opinion would be another way to resolve this issue 👍

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ping @freeboub
Can you check this thread please?
I think we don't need to delay about this PR.

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@freeboub freeboub left a comment

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please check my comment, no issue with fabricExample update

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@freeboub I will merge this one as this is "only" example and change to build.gradle was reverted

@KrzysztofMoch KrzysztofMoch merged commit de6e719 into TheWidlarzGroup:master Jul 4, 2024
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