Download executable (static or dynamicly linked libs) here
- download the code and build it (you need to have sfml added to your project directory - tutorial here)
- add the "assets" folder to your .exe directory
- run the game
add boss type enemies (basically the same as the others but stronger)<- normal enemies can be stronger -
make sprites (textures for the game)<- the ones that are already there look good (the look isn't the purpose of this project) - map generator
add sounds<- tried it, didn't like it - add screen states (different screens for starting, pausing and ending the game)
- add different weapons (sword for sure, hand as default weapong for every entity)
- add different terrain elements (box that can be moved around)
- add different states to animation (so it's easy to control (now you have to give it a row index)
- make enemies pick the best weapon they have in inventory
- add collisions to weapons (so they deal damage)
- add sprite animations
- remake hud
- add enemies rotating to player when in range
- add different types of enemies
- implement HUD
- make hud look good (add everthing)
- Add inventory displaying
- Add custom cursor (or hide it)
- Add surroundings (terrain)
- Add inventory
- Add item for testing inventory