Ceedling is a set of tools and libraries for testing and building C applications. This gem is the distribution mechanism for ceedling. Be aware that gem is not ceedling itself.
ceedling new PROJECT
Creates a new directory named PROJECT and deposits ceedling into the new directory.
ceedling update DIRECTORY
Updates an existing project with the newest ceedling code in the gem. To update, follow these steps:
Remove the vendor/ceedling directory. Take care when doing this; make sure you do it in a way that your version control system can handle.
Run ceedling update. Pass it the name of the directory that vendor/ceedling should go into.
ceedling update .
will copy ceedling to ./vendor/ceedling.
Add the new directory to your version control system.
ceedling examples
List the available example projects.
ceedling example PROJECT_NAME [DEST]
Creates the specified example project in the current directory (or in destination directoy, if specified).
- temp_sensor
ceedling version
This will print the version of the ceedling gem and all of the ceedling components it packages (Ceedling, Unity, CMock, CException).
Ceedling, Unity, CMock, and CException are all available at throwtheswitch.
- Mike Karlesky ([email protected])
- Mark VanderVoord ([email protected])
- Greg Williams ([email protected])
- Matt Fletcher ([email protected])
- © 2011 Atomic Object
- More Atomic Object open source projects