The tidybee-front project represents the front-end component of the TidyBee tool. TidyBee is designed as a solution for analyzing shared spaces, providing visibility into dysfunctions within an organization. The tool allows users to define custom criteria for evaluating these shared spaces. Using a rating system based on these criteria, end-users can make changes to files to create a perfect harmony.
TidyBee is divided into three sub-projects: tidybee-backend, tidybee-front, and tidybee-hub.
To install and use tidybee-front, follow these simple steps:
Ensure you have Node.js installed on your system.
Clone this GitHub repository to your machine using the following command:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd tidybee-front
Install dependencies using Yarn. If you haven't already installed it, you can do so by following the instructions here.
yarn install
Once the dependencies are successfully installed, start the application in development mode with the command:
yarn serve
Open your web browser and access the application at http://localhost:8080.
This is where you can use the tidybee-front interface to interact with the tool and enjoy its features.
Thank you for your interest in tidybee-front!
If you wish to build the installer from the source code, follow the installation steps and then do the following :
Build the distribution version of the front-end
yarn run build
Build the installer with electron
yarn run electron:build
Launch the setup.exe from the build folder and open the newly installed application
Please refer to the document for any participation in the project.