is a site to share tips for Vim.
The first version of is written by Rails.
Now I re-designed this whole site and implemented it by Go & Martini web framework.
- Go environment is needed.
- MongoDB is installed.
Download sample DB from:
- Unzip the database, the DB directory is: vim_tips
- Restore it to MongoDB
mongorestore -h localhost -u user -p pass -d vim_tips ./vim_tips
Note that username and password is the id and password for your MongoDB, for the default, -u & -p is not needed.
- Get source code from Github:
git clone
- Go into the source code directory, get related library and then build it:
cd vim-tips-web
go get
go build
- Run vim-tips-web site:
nohup ./vim-tips-web &
- Now, type http://localhost:3000 in web browser to visit the site.
Use default username & password to logon admin panel:
- Username is:[email protected]
- Password is:111