Small helper for offline and caching of long-running processes
Version 2.0.x will introduce breaking changes to how to use TinyCache. Pre 2.0 we could only have one instance of TinyCache. 2.0 introduces the option to have multiple instances of TinyCache. To make that possible we have introduced TinyCacheHandler.
If we only want one instance of TinyCache, we can use the Default method of TinyCacheHandler. First time you access the Default property a new instance of TinyCache will be created if there are not instances created. This instance will get default as the key.
To add a new instance of TinyCacheHandler we can use either the create method or the add method.
Using the Create method:
var newCache = TinyCacheHandler.Create("myNewCache");
Using the Add method:
var newCache = new TinyCache();
TinyCacheHandler.Add("myNewCache", newCache);
If we have multiple cache instances, we maybe not want the first one to be default, then we can change that by passing the cahce key to the SetDefault method of TinyCacheHandler.
If we want to get an instance of TinyCache that not are the default instance, we can use the key for the instance as in the code below.
var cache = TinyCacheHandler.Get("myNewCache");
var result = cache.RunAsync<List<Data>>("cachekey", () => { return api.GetData("customdata"); });
Install NuGet package TinyCache.FileStorage.
// Create a cache storage, in memory cache will be the default.
var store = new FileStorage();
var cacheFolder = string.Empty;
#if __IOS__ || __MACOS__
cacheFolder = NSSearchPath.GetDirectories(NSSearchPathDirectory.CachesDirectory, NSSearchPathDomain.User)[0];
#elif __ANDROID__
cacheFolder = Application.Context.CacheDir.AbsolutePath;
#elif __UWP__
cacheFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path;
cacheFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);
// Set cache storage
// Fetch data with default policy
var result = await TinyCacheHandler.Default.RunAsync<List<Data>>("cachekey", () => { return api.GetData("customdata"); });
Install NuGet package TinyCache.Forms.
// Create a cache storage, in memory cache will be the default.
var store = new XamarinPropertyStorage();
// Set cache storage
// Fetch data with default policy
var result = await TinyCacheHandler.Default..RunAsync<List<Data>>("cachekey", () => { return api.GetData("customdata"); });
AuoRestApi api = new AuoRestApi(apiEndPoint, new NoClientCredentials(), new TinyCache.TinyCacheDelegationHandler());
Not needed, but nice to have
// Handle errors
TinyCache.TinyCache.OnError += (sender, e) =>
// Set a base policy that will be used when no policy is specified
new TinyCachePolicy()
.SetMode(TinyCacheModeEnum.CacheFirst) // fetch from cache first
.SetFetchTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) // 5 second excecution limit
.SetExpirationTime(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)) // 10 minute expiration before next fetch
.SetUpdateCacheTimeout(50) // Wait 50ms before trying to update cache in background
.UpdateHandler = async (key, newdata) => { await DoStuff(key, newdata); }); // Handle background updates
// Handle background changes
TinyCacheHandler.Default.OnUpdate += async (object sender, CacheUpdatedEvt e) => {
var cacheKey = e.Key;
var dataObject = e.Value;
async HandleObjectChange(cacheKey,dataObject as MyDataType);
Not needed, but nice to have
// Get all cached data from storage (to be saved in static file in project and then loaded)
var preloadString = store.GetAllAsLoadableString();
// Preload cache if needed from stored string: