A Saab Dynamics demo of the GizmoDistribution API SDK
This GIT repository will allow you to take a look at a Saab demo, written by the Open Saab Development community using the GizmoSDK code base from Saab Dynamics, Training & Simulation.
The open source and open documentation in here are to be considered as GPL code and can be used in your own projects.
The binaries are licensed by Saab Dynamics. If you are interested in using this for commersial use, please contact
Run the "licApp.exe" application in the LicApp directory and press "Copy Request" and send clipboard content to email adress above
Just open the solution in VisualStudio and press play Good Luck !
The demo is based on GizmoDistribution SDK that is part of the GizmoSDK. It will allow a HLA/DIS/CORBA alike API for C# but at the same time compatible with C++ native API, enabling a transparent data exchange between native C++ and C# in high speed.
You can take a look at https://gizmosdk.blob.core.windows.net/html/html/distrdoc.htm for more info! It is also structured to be used in Unity3D.
We tried to make an easy to use API but also very high performance
using System;
using GizmoSDK.GizmoBase;
using GizmoSDK.GizmoDistribution;
namespace Event_Demo
class MessageEvent : DistEvent
// Let the constructor be private or internal so we dont expose this by mistake
internal MessageEvent(IntPtr nativeReference) : base(nativeReference)
// a factory design pattern for this class
public override Reference Create(IntPtr nativeReference)
return new MessageEvent(nativeReference) as Reference;
public string Message
get { return GetAttributeValue(nameof(Message)); }
set { SetAttributeValue(nameof(Message), value); }
public double Time
get { return GetAttributeValue(nameof(Time)); }
set { SetAttributeValue(nameof(Time), value); }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Initialize platforms for various used SDKs
// Create a manager. The manager controls it all
DistManager manager = DistManager.GetManager(true);
// Let the manager know about our special event
// Start the manager with settting for transport protocols
manager.Start(DistRemoteChannel.CreateDefaultSessionChannel(), DistRemoteChannel.CreateDefaultServerChannel());
//If we want to attach the DistMonitor debugger
// Client set up. You are a client that sends and receives information
DistClient client = new DistClient("MessageClient", manager);
// We need to tell the client how to initialize
// Now we can get a session. A kind of a meeting room that is used to exchange various "topics"
DistSession session=client.GetSession("MessageSession", true, true);
// Joint that session and subribe all events
client.SubscribeEvents< MessageEvent>(session); // Subscribe MessageEvent as base type
// Create a delegete
client.OnEvent += Client_OnEvent;
// Now loops around some simple program to get strings from console and distribute them as a message app
string result = Console.ReadLine();
if (result == "quit")
// get a new empty event from manager
MessageEvent e = manager.GetEvent<MessageEvent>();
// set some attributes in the event to any kind of value
e.Time = Time.SystemSeconds;
// and send the event on the specific session
client.SendEvent(e, session);
// Some kind of graceful shutdown
// GC and platform uninit is managed by the system automatically
private static void Client_OnEvent(DistClient sender, DistEvent e)
// Check if message is from us
if (e.GetSource() == sender.GetClientID().InstanceID)
MessageEvent mess = e as MessageEvent;