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Panophoto API
uniray7 edited this page Oct 16, 2017
10 revisions
- it is related to Media.remoteMethod('createPanoPhoto'), which will be needed by developers
- URL: http://$DOMAIN_NAME/api/media/panophoto?access_token=$TOKEN
- Header: Content-Type=multipart/form-data
- Body:
- title: 'test'
- caption: 'test for panophoto'
- width: '8192'
- height: '4096'
- lat: '30'
- lng: '90'
- locationName(optional): 'Home Sweet Home'
- locationLat(optional): '25.05511'
- locationLng(optional): '121.61171'
- image: '$SRC_IMAGE_PATH'
- return:
{ "mediaId": "ab90b0d91414f000" }
- curl example:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "caption='test'" -F "title='ttt'" -F "thumbLat=9.0" -F "thumbLng=10.0" -F "width=5376" -F "height=2688" -F "[email protected];type=image/jpeg" -F "[email protected]" http://$DOMAIN_NAME/api/media/panophoto?access_token=$TOKEN
- function in src code: Media.remoteMethod('createPanoPhoto')
- it is related to Media.remoteMethod('findMediaById'), which will be needed by developers
- URL: http://$DOMAIN_NAME/api/media/$MEDIA_ID
- Header: Content-Type=application/json
- Body: No body
- return:
"title":"'test title'",
- curl example:
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://$DOMAIN_NAME/api/media/$MEDIA_ID
only "title" and "caption" can be update
- URL: http://$DOMAIN_NAME/api/media/$MEDIA_ID?access_token=$TOKEN
- Header: Content-Type=application/json
- Body: note: u only need to add the property u want to update in the body
{"title": "$NEW_TITLE", "caption": "$NEW_CAPTION"}
- return:
"quality": [{"size":"4000X2000","tiles":8},
- curl example:
curl -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"title": "$NEW_TITLE", "caption": "$NEW_CAPTION"}' http://$DOMAIN_NAME/api/media/$MEDIA_ID?access_token=$TOKEN
- URL: http://$DOMAIN_NAME/api/media/$MEDIA_ID?access_token=$TOKEN
- Header: No
- Body: No
- return:
- curl example:
curl -XDELETE http://$DOMAIN_NAME/api/media/$MEDIA_ID?access_token=$TOKEN