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Only Scala 2.13 on preview branch (#7535) #23193

Only Scala 2.13 on preview branch (#7535)

Only Scala 2.13 on preview branch (#7535) #23193

GitHub Actions / REPORT-CypressTests succeeded Mar 4, 2025 in 2s

97 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
17c0148ce6c589d5ffa877e75786ab90.xml 14✅ 92s
1fe825f361d7625928afd040b7247ad1.xml 15✅ 82s
2d77dd6009dcc8578a0eff26c0663deb.xml 1✅ 21s
328624ae7e12980d74bcf61458598ee7.xml 3✅ 35s
34da5da558e9089feca7580da5be4b84.xml 2✅ 22s
3bbc8f2ad07dff0ad1d457f1bce9cd80.xml 1✅ 8s
3ea85f66e81070b68e4604cf390770f2.xml 1✅ 12s
5514bd63f4a58a1cf4adbcd30ddb8a65.xml 1✅ 9s
566c56bd74b3e06a35f0f7a9e98636a1.xml 1✅ 11s
581a42f69e8e8e45c561df1c16baa80d.xml 6✅ 53s
6786643f1cb5c757925a6b163e63e862.xml 162ms
6c6452d64658d0923d3882a03d83a7c0.xml 8✅ 32s
82ce08c72ab1fbfad8649b4b9d9c926b.xml 1✅ 14s
9230783f4184df69d0ca8e971f14d90d.xml 1✅ 14s
93ff79c09722a8bef8827f563e4e6dd4.xml 2✅ 26s
96a6912d6ca6e97e6bda0bcad756365f.xml 1✅ 12s
9b2398f01e9e7fa345cd1ce4296f586d.xml 1✅ 53s
a214b6cb49019b5f3d209d175cb48e81.xml 3✅ 16s
aa34edc5414371a89188ccc25b4aeec3.xml 2✅ 29s
ab4005648a94533fa69516183949d461.xml 3✅ 153s
bc41cc2175c4b499e8870290afa12764.xml 3✅ 19s
c3fb83bd71eb595dc0614c9fbd743b58.xml 4✅ 26s
c936da8a98e734f089bb7a6fc4f147e0.xml 12✅ 69s
e005415fc4134200ca90bb2fbea6eefc.xml 3✅ 13s
eab2a287b0eee2afe7992efbb2e4105f.xml 3✅ 19s
eb114cfba5da29cfd3e620dbaa501f99.xml 4✅ 16s
ece58192b28d05f0e89f4ccefe15d7f9.xml 1✅ 10s

✅ 17c0148ce6c589d5ffa877e75786ab90.xml

14 tests were completed in 92s with 14 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Components list 14✅ 92s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Components list

should display component
  ✅ Components list should display component
should have dynamic page size
  ✅ Components list should have dynamic page size
should allow filtering by name
  ✅ Components list should allow filtering by name
should allow filtering by name with multiple words
  ✅ Components list should allow filtering by name with multiple words
should allow filtering by group
  ✅ Components list should allow filtering by group
should allow filtering by usage
  ✅ Components list should allow filtering by usage
should display component usage with working scenario link
  ✅ Components list should display component usage with working scenario link
should apply filters from query
  ✅ Components list should apply filters from query
should apply category filters by cell click
  ✅ Components list should apply category filters by cell click
should apply group filter by cell click
  ✅ Components list should apply group filter by cell click
should display usages
  ✅ Components list should display usages
should filter usages
  ✅ Components list should filter usages
should filter usage types
  ✅ Components list should filter usage types
should allow filtering by processing mode
  ✅ Components list should allow filtering by processing mode

✅ 1fe825f361d7625928afd040b7247ad1.xml

15 tests were completed in 82s with 15 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
initially clean 5✅ 23s
Process 5✅ 0ms
Root Suite 0ms
with data 5✅ 22s

✅ initially clean

should allow rename
  ✅ Process initially clean should allow rename
should allow rename with other changes
  ✅ Process initially clean should allow rename with other changes
should allow archive with redirect to list
  ✅ Process initially clean should allow archive with redirect to list
should open properites from tips panel
  ✅ Process initially clean should open properites from tips panel
should import JSON and save
  ✅ Process initially clean should import JSON and save

✅ Process

should preserve condition on link move (switch)
  ✅ Process should preserve condition on link move (switch)
should preserve condition on link move (filter)
  ✅ Process should preserve condition on link move (filter)
should validate process on nodes paste
  ✅ Process should validate process on nodes paste
should zoom/restore node window with test data
  ✅ Process should zoom/restore node window with test data
should open more scenario details
  ✅ Process should open more scenario details

✅ with data

should allow drag node
  ✅ Process with data should allow drag node
should allow drag component and drop on edge
  ✅ Process with data should allow drag component and drop on edge
should return 400 status code and show info about required comment
  ✅ Process with data should return 400 status code and show info about required comment
should make a deploy of the new version
  ✅ Process with data should make a deploy of the new version
should display some node details in modal
  ✅ Process with data should display some node details in modal

✅ 2d77dd6009dcc8578a0eff26c0663deb.xml

1 tests were completed in 21s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Compare versions 1✅ 21s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Compare versions

should render compare a version with fragment input parameters change marked
  ✅ Compare versions should render compare a version with fragment input parameters change marked

✅ 328624ae7e12980d74bcf61458598ee7.xml

3 tests were completed in 35s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
designer 2✅ 18s
Root Suite 0ms
Scenario labels 0ms
scenario list 1✅ 17s

✅ designer

should allow to set labels for new process
  ✅ Scenario labels designer should allow to set labels for new process
should show labels for scenario
  ✅ Scenario labels designer should show labels for scenario

✅ scenario list

should allow to filter scenarios by label
  ✅ Scenario labels scenario list should allow to filter scenarios by label

✅ 34da5da558e9089feca7580da5be4b84.xml

2 tests were completed in 22s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Sql editor 2✅ 22s

✅ Sql editor

should display colorfull sql code
  ✅ Sql editor should display colorfull sql code
should display advanced colors
  ✅ Sql editor should display advanced colors

✅ 3bbc8f2ad07dff0ad1d457f1bce9cd80.xml

1 tests were completed in 8s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
JSON editor 1✅ 8s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ JSON editor

should display colorfull json
  ✅ JSON editor should display colorfull json

✅ 3ea85f66e81070b68e4604cf390770f2.xml

1 tests were completed in 12s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Process view 1✅ 12s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Process view

should have node search toolbar
  ✅ Process view should have node search toolbar

✅ 5514bd63f4a58a1cf4adbcd30ddb8a65.xml

1 tests were completed in 9s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Dropdown 1✅ 9s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Dropdown

should display menu portal
  ✅ Dropdown should display menu portal

✅ 566c56bd74b3e06a35f0f7a9e98636a1.xml

1 tests were completed in 11s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Compare 1✅ 11s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Compare

should fill window
  ✅ Compare should fill window

✅ 581a42f69e8e8e45c561df1c16baa80d.xml

6 tests were completed in 53s with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Undo/Redo 6✅ 53s

✅ Undo/Redo

should work for add and move to edge
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work for add and move to edge
should work for drop on edge
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work for drop on edge
should work for move
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work for move
should work for copy/paste
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work for copy/paste
should work with counts
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work with counts
should work with validation
  ✅ Undo/Redo should work with validation

✅ 6786643f1cb5c757925a6b163e63e862.xml

No tests found

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Table editor 113ms

✅ 6c6452d64658d0923d3882a03d83a7c0.xml

8 tests were completed in 32s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Search Panel View 8✅ 32s

✅ Search Panel View

should collapse advanced search filters
  ✅ Search Panel View should collapse advanced search filters
should filter nodes when typing search query with selectors manually and editing it later in form
  ✅ Search Panel View should filter nodes when typing search query with selectors manually and editing it later in form
should filter nodes when performing simple search and adding selectors using form
  ✅ Search Panel View should filter nodes when performing simple search and adding selectors using form
should filter nodes when setting up multiple selectors using form
  ✅ Search Panel View should filter nodes when setting up multiple selectors using form
should synchronize the form input state with manually provided query with selectors
  ✅ Search Panel View should synchronize the form input state with manually provided query with selectors
should clear search filters
  ✅ Search Panel View should clear search filters
should clear unapplied search filters
  ✅ Search Panel View should clear unapplied search filters
should clear filters when clear all button clicked
  ✅ Search Panel View should clear filters when clear all button clicked

✅ 82ce08c72ab1fbfad8649b4b9d9c926b.xml

1 tests were completed in 14s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Description 1✅ 14s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Description

should display markdown
  ✅ Description should display markdown

✅ 9230783f4184df69d0ca8e971f14d90d.xml

1 tests were completed in 14s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Process 0ms
Root Suite 0ms
with data 1✅ 14s

✅ with data

should allow editing choice edge expression
  ✅ Process with data should allow editing choice edge expression

✅ 93ff79c09722a8bef8827f563e4e6dd4.xml

2 tests were completed in 26s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Connection error 2✅ 26s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Connection error

should display connection errors
  ✅ Connection error should display connection errors
should cancel request when connection error
  ✅ Connection error should cancel request when connection error

✅ 96a6912d6ca6e97e6bda0bcad756365f.xml

1 tests were completed in 12s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Process tests from file 1✅ 12s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Process tests from file

should properly display results of tests from file
  ✅ Process tests from file should properly display results of tests from file

✅ 9b2398f01e9e7fa345cd1ce4296f586d.xml

1 tests were completed in 53s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Activities 1✅ 53s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Activities

should display activities
  ✅ Activities should display activities

✅ a214b6cb49019b5f3d209d175cb48e81.xml

3 tests were completed in 16s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Root Suite 0ms
Sticky notes 3✅ 16s

✅ Sticky notes

should allow to drag sticky note
  ✅ Sticky notes should allow to drag sticky note
should add text to note and display it as markdown
  ✅ Sticky notes should add text to note and display it as markdown
should disable sticky note when scenario is not saved
  ✅ Sticky notes should disable sticky note when scenario is not saved

✅ aa34edc5414371a89188ccc25b4aeec3.xml

2 tests were completed in 29s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Counts 2✅ 29s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Counts

should be available via button and modal
  ✅ Counts should be available via button and modal
should display question mark when renaming a node and updating the count
  ✅ Counts should display question mark when renaming a node and updating the count

✅ ab4005648a94533fa69516183949d461.xml

3 tests were completed in 153s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Fragment 3✅ 153s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Fragment

should allow adding input parameters and display used fragment graph in modal
  ✅ Fragment should allow adding input parameters and display used fragment graph in modal
should open properties
  ✅ Fragment should open properties
should add documentation url in fragment properties and show it in modal within scenario
  ✅ Fragment should add documentation url in fragment properties and show it in modal within scenario

✅ bc41cc2175c4b499e8870290afa12764.xml

3 tests were completed in 19s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Expression suggester 3✅ 19s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Expression suggester

should display colorfull and sorted completions
  ✅ Expression suggester should display colorfull and sorted completions
should display javadocs
  ✅ Expression suggester should display javadocs
should display completions for second line (bugfix)
  ✅ Expression suggester should display completions for second line (bugfix)

✅ c3fb83bd71eb595dc0614c9fbd743b58.xml

4 tests were completed in 26s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Process mouse drag 4✅ 26s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Process mouse drag

should allow pan view
  ✅ Process mouse drag should allow pan view
should select only fully covered (to right)
  ✅ Process mouse drag should select only fully covered (to right)
should select partially covered (to left)
  ✅ Process mouse drag should select partially covered (to left)
should switch modes, append and inverse select with shift
  ✅ Process mouse drag should switch modes, append and inverse select with shift

✅ c936da8a98e734f089bb7a6fc4f147e0.xml

12 tests were completed in 69s with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Auto Screenshot Change Docs - 12✅ 69s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs -

basic components - variable
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - variable
basic components - recordVariable
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - recordVariable
basic components - filter
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - filter
basic components - choice
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - choice
basic components - split
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - split
basic components - foreach
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - foreach
basic components - union
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - basic components - union
aggregates - Single Side Join
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - aggregates - Single Side Join
aggregates - Full Outer Join
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - aggregates - Full Outer Join
fragments - Properties
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - fragments - Properties
fragments - Inputs
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - fragments - Inputs
fragments - Outputs
  ✅ Auto Screenshot Change Docs - fragments - Outputs

✅ e005415fc4134200ca90bb2fbea6eefc.xml

3 tests were completed in 13s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Aggregations 3✅ 13s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Aggregations

should display updated UI for aggregate-sliding
  ✅ Aggregations should display updated UI for aggregate-sliding
should display updated UI for aggregate-tumbling
  ✅ Aggregations should display updated UI for aggregate-tumbling
should display updated UI for aggregate-session
  ✅ Aggregations should display updated UI for aggregate-session

✅ eab2a287b0eee2afe7992efbb2e4105f.xml

3 tests were completed in 19s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Node window 3✅ 0ms
Root Suite 0ms
with query params 222ms

✅ Node window

should display event-generator source
  ✅ Node window should display event-generator source
should not open twice on deploy
  ✅ Node window should not open twice on deploy
should remove input focus and close the window on double escape click
  ✅ Node window should remove input focus and close the window on double escape click

✅ eb114cfba5da29cfd3e620dbaa501f99.xml

4 tests were completed in 16s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Processes list 4✅ 16s
Processes list (new table) 105ms
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Processes list

should have no process matching filter
  ✅ Processes list should have no process matching filter
should allow creating new process
  ✅ Processes list should allow creating new process
should have test process on list
  ✅ Processes list should have test process on list
should filter by processing mode
  ✅ Processes list should filter by processing mode

✅ ece58192b28d05f0e89f4ccefe15d7f9.xml

1 tests were completed in 10s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Creator toolbar 1✅ 10s
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Creator toolbar

should allow collapse (persist) and filtering
  ✅ Creator toolbar should allow collapse (persist) and filtering