Hey, Tribhuvan here! 
- Image processing
- OpenCV, PyTorch, Albumentations
- Working on research paper involving blurry image detection
- learnt about SAM and zero shot learning
- Worked on blurry image detection using fast fourier transforms, laplacian variance
I've shared some insights on unnecessary bounding boxes in SAM. You can check it out here.
- Validation Intelligently of Automobile and People for Safe and Smart Society.
- Annual science magazine- Jigyasaa (IIT DELHI).
- Examining the AQI with effect of Agnihotra in NCR Region Extracting Knowledge for Sustainable Society and Holistic Development with Healthcare 5.0.
- Analysis of PCS-QoL to investigate the holistic health for sustainable way of living in smart cities of 21st century
- Real time stock price prediction
- House price prediction
- Crop Disease detection and Medicine suggestion
- Python
- Machine Learning
- Data Science
- Deep learning
class WhoAmI:
user = 'Tribhuvan Mishra'
current_work = 'Writing code'
hobbies = [
'Reading Sci-Fi Novels'
'Being up all Night chasing that ONE BUG...'
def getCity():
return Delhi_India()
- Started learning ML model optimisation !!
- I'm currently working on 🔭 building Most Accurate Stock Market Prediction Model and working up on polishing my skills 🌱 in Data Structures.
- Getting Started with Deep learning !!
My Resume
- If you have any suggestions to this README, feel free to pull up a request. And if you liked it, go ahead and use it for yourself.(P.S. Star it too!!:grimacing: )