A list of useful resources for Web Developers!
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Initially created by @markodenic on Twitter.
- 📓 http://developer.mozilla.org
- 📓 http://w3schools.com
- 📓 http://w3docs.com
- 📓 http://devdocs.io
- 📓 http://web.dev
- ⚡️ http://netlify.com
- ⚡️ http://firebase.google.com
- ⚡️ http://aws.amazon.com
- ⚡️ http://heroku.com
- ⚡️ GitHub Pages
- ⚡️ http://vercel.com
- ⚡️ http://surge.sh
- ⚡️ http://render.com
- ⚡️ GitLab Pages
- 🎓 http://freecodecamp.org
- 🎓 http://codecademy.com
- 🎓 http://javascript30.com
- 🎓 http://frontendmentor.io
- 🎓 http://testautomationu.applitools.com
- 🎓 http://coursera.org
- 🎓 http://khanacademy.org
- 🎓 http://sololearn.com
- 🎓 https://javascript.info
- 🎓 https://www.udemy.com
- ⌨️ http://codewars.com
- ⌨️ http://topcoder.com
- ⌨️ http://codingame.com
- ⌨️ http://hackerrank.com
- ⌨️ http://projecteuler.net
- ⌨️ http://coderbyte.com
- ⌨️ http://codechef.com
- ⌨️ http://exercism.io
- ⌨️ http://leetcode.com
- ⌨️ http://spoj.com
- 💰 http://toptal.com
- 💰 http://upwork.com
- 💰 http://freelancer.com
- 💰 http://peopleperhour.com
- 💰 http://simplyhired.com
- 💰 http://envato.com
- 💰 http://guru.com
- 💰 http://fiverr.com
- 💰 http://hireable.com
- 💰 http://6nomads.com
- 📷 http://unsplash.com
- 📷 http://pixabay.com
- 📷 http://pexels.com
- 📷 http://morguefile.com
- 📷 http://freephotosbank.com
- 📷 http://stockvault.net
- 📷 http://freeimages.com
- 📷 http://search.creativecommons.org
- 🌠 http://undraw.co/illustrations
- 🌠 http://drawkit.io
- 🌠 http://icons8.com/ouch
- 🌠 http://iradesign.io
- 🌠 http://interfacer.xyz
- 🌠 http://blush.design
- 🍩 http://fontawesome.com
- 🍩 http://flaticon.com
- 🍩 http://icons8.com
- 🍩 http://material.io/resources/icons
- 🍩 http://iconmonstr.com
- 🍩 https://heroicons.dev
- ✒️ http://fonts.google.com
- ✒️ http://fontspace.com
- ✒️ http://1001fonts.com
- ✒️ http://fontsquirrel.com
- 🎨 http://coolors.co
- 🎨 http://colorhunt.co
- 🎨 http://paletton.com
- 🎨 http://color-hex.com
- 🎨 http://mycolor.space
- 🎙 Syntax
- 🎙 Fullstack radio
- 🎙 The Changelog
- 🎙 The Laracasts Snippet
- 🎙 Front End Happy Hour
- 🎙 JavaScript Jabber Archives
- 🎙 Commit Your Code!
- 🎙 Shop Talk
- 🎙 Ladybug Podcast
- 🎙 CodePen Radio
- 🎙 JAMStack Radio
- 🎙 Modern web
- 🤔 http://uimovement.com
- 🤔 http://uigarage.net
- 🤔 http://collectui.com
- 🤔 https://dribbble.com
- 🤔 https://ui-patterns.com
- 🔖 Web Developer
- 🔖 CSSViewer
- 🔖 Wappalyzer
- 🔖 JSONView
- 🔖 Lorem Ipsum Generator
- 🔖 VisBug
- 🔖 Colorblindly
- 🔖 Lighthouse
- 🔖 Accessibility Insights for Web
- 🔖 ColorPick Eyedropper
- 🔖 PerfectPixel
- 🔖 Dimensions
- ⚡ Google PageSpeed Insights
- ⚡ GTmetrix
- ⚡ WebPageTest
- ⚡ Yslow
- ⚡ CrUX