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IntentBuilder is a type safe way of creating intents and populating them with extras. Use them with your Activities and Services.


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IntentBuilder is a type safe way of creating intents and populating them with extras. Use them with your Activities, Services, Broadcastreceivers and other components.


buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.4'

apply plugin: ''

dependencies {
    compile 'be.trikke:intentbuilder-api:1.2.1'
    apt 'be.trikke:intentbuilder-compiler:1.2.1'

Version History

  • v1.0 Initial release
  • v1.1 Added support for Broadcastreceivers. Changed the usage of @Nullable and created an extra annotation @ExtraOptional to use with optional values.
  • v1.2 Added ability to have urls as a usage of navigation.


Annotate your activities and services with an @BuildIntent annotation so that they are picked up by the library. For every class with an @BuildIntent annotation a class named <ComponentName>Intent will be generated. If your Component takes in parameters via extras in the intent you can now mark field with the @Extra annotation and they can be injected with the static inject method on the generated intent builder class. Extras can be marked as optional with the @ExtraOptional annotation.

Sample activity using IntentBuilder:

@BuildIntent public class DetailActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    @Extra String requiredString;

    @Extra boolean requiredBoolean;

    @ExtraOptional String optionalString;

    @ExtraOptional int optionalInteger;

    @ExtraOptional("coolName") String optionalStringDiffName;

    @ExtraOptional boolean optionalBoolean;

    @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        DetailActivityIntent.inject(getIntent(), this);

        // use extras

You can also use the @BuildIntentUrl annotation to add url schemes to a certain component.

@BuildIntentUrl(value = {
		@UrlPath(name = "DETAILS",url = "test://parameters?requiredString={string}&requiredBoolean={boolean}"),
		@UrlPath(name = "MORE",url = "test://more"),
		@UrlPath(name = "STUFF",url = "test://stuff"),
}) public class DetailActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
	@Extra String requiredString;
    @Extra boolean requiredBoolean;

Make sure the parameters in the url scheme have the same name as the @Extra fields. Otherwise they will not be injected correctly.


Use the builder to create the Intent.

Intent i = new DetailActivityIntent("Required String", true)
                      .optionalString("Optional String")

Or quickly build an intent with the provided Navigate shortcut class.

Navigate.gotoDetailActivity("i'm a required String", true)
                      .optionalString("i'm just optional")

Use the provided Navigate shortcut class to quickly launch an Intent with it's required extra's (if any).

Navigate.launchDetailActivity(MainActivity.this, "required", true)

The Navigate provides quick methods for getting all your generated Intents, and has launch methods for compatible Components.

Navigate.getMyBroadcastReceiver("A required String").action(MY_INTENT_FILTER).send(MainActivity.this);
Navigate.startMyService(MainActivity.this, "Required String");

If you have components with url schemes, the provided Navigate shortcut class contains methods to launch and resolve these urls. Make sure to only launch known urls.

Navigate.launch(MainActivity.this, "test://stuff")


Please do! Let me know what you think, and PR's are always welcome!


Thanks to emilsjolander and robertoestivill for their source and inspiring me to get off my butt and make this.


IntentBuilder is a type safe way of creating intents and populating them with extras. Use them with your Activities and Services.







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