✨ Features
- Introduce memory friendly proving path (70b740e9)
- Introduce instruction `sponge_absorb_mem` (6dd9b54a)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Don't mutate `HashSet`'s content in-place (6e5443e5)
⚡️ Performance
- Faster domain-evaluation for too-large polynomial (3905d808)
- Use parallelism more when evaluating domain (8c623e82)
- Remove duplicate constraints from `dot_step` (1557b6b8)
📚 Documentation
- Describe cached/just-in-time low-degree-extension (e72a4185)
- Explain manual implementation of `evaluate` (d53c1b46)
- Document the constraint generator (49864e42)
- Add arithmetization overview page (c5b7eec1)
- *(profiler)* Document how to enable for benches (1a4a22f7)
⚙️ Miscellaneous
- Provide API to overwrite cache decision (0f313a7b)
- *(profiler)* Include tracing execution (4dea54d0)
♻️ Refactor
- Compute segments directly (d62e5587)
- (!) Remove unused `JumpStackTraceRow` (e257c358)
- Factor out spec-check (46c6986b)
- (!) Improve internal profiler (fa7c8b70)
- (!) *(profiler)* Make `TritonProfiler` private (1ecd11cd)
- *(profiler)* Remove from optimized builds (f4340159)
- *(profiler)* Accumulate loops (195d1854)
✅ Testing
- *(bench)* Bench proving with cached / jit trace (4bc5b9fc)
- Assert uniqueness of nodes on fetch by id (51eb30a9)
- Test correct node substitution (cfe7d093)
Note: (!) indicates a breaking change.