🐛 Bug Fixes
⚡️ Performance
- Parallelize polynomial arithmetic in Bezout argument.
📚 Documentation
- Add overview of opcode pressure, showing how much space is left
for opcodes of a given category.
- Fix indentation in doc comments as per Clippy's new linting
⚙️ Miscellaneous
- Fix pointer dereference mismatch, a new complaint from Clippy.
- Set rustc max stack size to large enough value; required by
- Bump dependency on twenty-first to v0.42.0-alpha.7.
♻️ Refactor
- (!) Remove generic type argument `<Hash>` from `Program`.
✅ Testing
🎨 Style
- Uniquefy constraints with `.unique()` rather than `HashSet`.
- Avoid interior mutability in `HashMap`, as recommended by the
new Clippy.